12 October 2005

(third annual) Science and Engineering Visualization Challenge provides an online slide show of the winners. : http://www.sciencemag.org/sciext/vis2005/show/

From Cognitive Landscapes to Digital Hyperscapes : http://www.irrodl.org/content/v4.2/bidarra-dias.html (International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, October - 2003) Knowledge mapping is important in modern educational environments, because the ultimate goal is the development of reference models that are meaningful organizations of information in learners’ minds.

See interesting feedback / comments system at bottom of page http://ideas.43places.com/entries/view/100560 (larger font size for recommendations with more supporters voting for it as a good idea).

http://www.1-900-870-6235.com/FibonacciZoom/ZoomTest/3LevelZoom4.htm multi-zoom interface (prototype) could be appropriate for http://www.precarn.ca/home/index_en.html funding (projects must include collaboration between a company developing a new technology, a first user of the technology, and a university or community college) (?)

Atlas of Experience : http://www.worldofexperience.com/Startpage/start_wof.asp ----->
They also produce CompanyMaps http://www.worldofexperience.com/Startpage/start_companies.asp

Fastest way to see many of our links and images : http://a9.com/www.1-900-870-6235.com

"Solutions nearly always come from the direction you least expect, which means there's no point in trying to look in that direction because it wont be coming from there." - Douglas Adams
(Following from http://www.leading-learning.co.nz/famous-quotes.html) :
"Those who do nothing are never wrong." - Theodore de Bouville
"en geographers who think the world is flat will tend to reinforce each others errors…. Only a sailor can set them straight." - John Ralston Saul, author of 'Voltaire's Bastards'
"Don't try to innovate for the future. Innovate for the present." - Peter Drucker
"It is our artists who choose freedom over safety and use their talents to question and confront the culture." - Peter Block, Philosopher

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