27 October 2005

More Ning "Apps with map" (mostly under development) : http://www.ning.com/search?q=map See also http://photomaps.ning.com/index.php which allows anyone to add a point on a map http://photomaps.ning.com/index.php?action=post.new (use your mouse to drag the map with the red locator to where you want it), and http://cycling.ning.com/dispatcher.php?controller=trail&action=show&id=393426 , and Google Map Mashups http://googlemapmashups.ning.com/ (a "bookmark" Ning only with links to one of the best Google mashups; http://www.markovic.com/markovic.com/ebay/search.php?site=3).

Designorati:Cartography aims to explore the origins, view the state of the art, and guess at the future of the common (and uncommon) map : http://www.designorati.com/cartography/ Feed; http://designorati.com/cartography/feed/

AlternaTime (another collection of timelines on the web) : http://www2.canisius.edu/~emeryg/time.html

Metamute's version of Buckminster Fuller's Dymaxion Map (on the topic of surveillance and privacy) : http://www.metamute.com/look/metamap.pdf

EbayChat Board Map (idea) : http://www.geocities.com/ltcfan/ebaymap.html probably doable now with Google Map API (?) .

"A Really, Really, Really Good Introduction to XML" : http://www.sitepoint.com/article/really-good-introduction-xml Via http://www.blinklist.com/index.php?Action=Link/hotnfreshntag.php&Tag=xml

MapMakers AllStar Team : http://www.loeb-larocque.com/mapmaker.html

The Interactive Image (Fall 2005) course : http://artscool.cfa.cmu.edu/~levin/courses/dmc/iig_05f/

MapArt: mapworx dissected maps ( http://www.jeffwoodbury.com/gall/gal.cfm?pgid=dissectedmaps ) also aloe citytraces prints
potatoland.org, is an open playground of interactive artwork. Napier creates a wide range of projects that appropriate data from the web transforming content into abstraction, text into graphics, and information into art. : potatoland.org
Six Contemporary Artists Who Use Maps in Their Work : http://www.artjunction.org/articles/mapartists.html

I drink from your well.
I bring an unprotected heart to our meeting place.
I hold no cherished outcome.
I will not negotiate by withholding.
I am not subject to disappointment. - Druid Vow of Friendship

"Only when you play in a thing, do people listen and hear you and are moved."- Brenda Ueland

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