08 December 2004

JavaScript code that gradually (zooms?) open new window : http://www.photomontage.com/cover/index.html

MetaDraw will allow you to zoom by code or end-user action. In code you can simply set a Zoomfactor property oryou can zoom independantly in X and Y directions with PicXSize andPicYSize properties. You can also allow end-users to zoom by mousescroll wheel, or by drawing a zoom rectangle with mouse and havingMetaDraw automatically zoom to that area. : http://www.bennet-tec.com/btproducts/metadraw/metadraw.htm

Gone (unfortunately) $99.00Date: 6/10/2001 Full featured and affordable image processing at your fingertips. Displays an image with the ability to align, stretch, scroll, zoom and move it. With databinding capabilities. Supports all common raster image formats BMP, PCX, JPG, TIF, PNG, TGA, from http://www.developersdex.com/vb/?p=1000&page=1

What would art look like if it were to please the greatest number of people? http://www.diacenter.org/km/painting.html Reason for not designing map interface to lowest common denomiator.

Repository of classic and historical texts available online. : http://www.grantdavis.net/wisdom/library2.shtml

Aerial Imagery took the mostly international SPIN-2 imagery and has since morphed into Terraserver.com. Microsoft took the USGS imagery of the US and became Microsoft Terraserver and now Terraserver-usa.com. : http://www.terraserver.com/imagery/image_ermapper.asp?ulx=317642.6061&uly=3319581.2421&lrx=321642.6061&lry=3315581.2421&image=93&provider_id=150&t=pan
Sells image files or posters: Image Sizes $6.95 - Small (500x500 pixels) $15.95 - Medium (750x750 pixels) $24.95 - Large (1000x1000 pixels) $36.95 - XL (1500x1500 pixels) $49.95 - XXL (2000x2000 pixels)
Print Sizes $19.95 - 8"x8" Glossy Print $19.95 - 8"x8" Matte Print $24.95 - 16"x20" Glossy Print $59.95 - 16"x20" Matte Print $79.95 -$149.95 - 36"x36" Print

"When you come to a fork in the road....Take it." - Yogi Berra
"Life is not about how fast you run, or how high you climb, buthow well you bounce." -
"Every path has some puddles." -
"You're going to laugh all right, at how close you were when you thought yourself far, how much more strength you had, when you thought you had none, and about how easy life was, when you thought it hard." - The Universe

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