20 October 2004

WebForager™ : To move from a workspace where you have only one entity at the same time to another with multiple entities including, among others, the ones of the former movement (similar to RW's FibScreen 8D layout?) for the creation of these “natural” foraging spaces. After http://www.infovis.net/E-zine/2004/num_154.htm WebBook also supports a focus + context technique in which you can see all the pages of the book at the same time, although the one that is in our focus has a larger size than the others. Three-dimensional metaphors like the one we have seen in the book or other similar ones haven’t yielded, up to now, better results than other more abstract metaphors. Possibly due to the fact that doing the same things in the virtual world that we do in the real world maybe doesn’t give more added-value to our insight. See also the article “The WebBook and the WebForage : http://www2.parc.com/istl/projects/uir/pubs/items/UIR-1996-14-Card-CHI96-WebForager.pdf

And one by one, they each openly admitted that they had been approached by two students with a new idea for a search engine. "Go pound sand I told them" said Steve Kirsh (Infoseek). "I wasn't impressed with their demo at all" said Doug Cutting (Excite). "I didn't have the authority to sign a check anyway" said Louis Monier (the mighty AltaVista" at the time consisted of Louis Monier and about a half dozen other people that he had access to - and that was it). The two students which they all turned away, of course, were Larry Page and Sergey Brin. Their new idea for search was called PageRank, and would eventually become the power behind Google.

Microsoft Search Champs initiative : http://www.masternewmedia.org/2004/10/12/msn_search_champs_robin_good.htm

"It's gotta be in ya to do it." - Fred Smith's standard response to the question of how and why he made his art.

"Flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss." - Douglas Adams

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