09 October 2013

Will emergent digital work that aims to graft art, science and technology continue to be shown in museums?

50 Illustrator Tutorials Every Designer Should See

3D-printed Paintings

What it means to be a curator in the digital age

Einstein had more extensive connections between certain parts of his cerebral hemispheres

Tech-Focused Graffiti


(Review5-STAR Speakeasy Contemporary at AWOL Gallery


Is War A Fundamental Part Of Our Culture?  

"Do you think it would be as much fun if you could guarantee that some of your dreams would come true, by forgoing others?" - TU
"May you live every day of your life.” - Jonathan Swift
"I can live today like there's no tomorrow, because I lived yesterday like there is." - R.B. Wild
"... the image must be something that becomes, not something that is." - YAACOV AGAM, 1971 Via
"All things are worthy of interest and study, including the tiniest animalcule or flower, and the universe itself." - Baruch Spinoza (1632-1677)

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