10 October 2013


Your Artist Statement: Explaining the Unexplainable

Small cubes with no exterior moving parts can propel themselves forward, jump on top of each other, and snap together

Lenticular 3D pigment prints  Examples

(Beginner’s guide to) YouTube

Artist Brings Van Gogh Paintings To Life With 3D Animation And Visual Mapping


(Examples) Gesture GIFs


The Eyes Are Windows Into the Soul

"Reality can not be expressed without words, and reality can not be expressed with words." - Zen koan
"As we grow more experienced, our decisions become more intuitive, our hunches better based upon our understanding of and experience with underlying principles." - @gapingvoid
"You've done better than you know. You've helped more than you realize. And you're closer than you think." - The Universe
"The Foole doth thinke he is wise, but the wiseman knowes himselfe to be a Foole." - William Shakespeare (As You Like It, 1599)
"Art is something new, every time, and art might not work, precisely because it's new, because it's human and because it seeks to connect." - Seth Godin

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