03 February 2012

Blackout Map of neighbourhoods most prone to outages   Via

http://www.scienceandentertainmentexchange.org : a program of the National Academy of Sciences that connects entertainment industry professionals with top scientists

https://mobile.twitter.com/#!/Perimeter   Institute

(Definition) "polyptych" : generally refers to a painting (usually panel painting) which is divided into sections, or panels.

Artwork of melatonin secretion by pineal gland

Ye' o' left / right brain struggle

 (Last 30 days) 278881web & network objects have been scanned (5 were infected and blocked)
13311files have been scanned (0 files were infected and healed)

"A little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but a little want of knowledge is also a dangerous thing." - Samuel Butler
"In the studio or on the road, many artists find they're at their most creative when they're simply on the lookout for joy." - Robert Genn
"Every fear is a gift (though every gift needs unwrapping)." - TU
"Maybe the art of life is to convert tough times to great experiences: we can choose to hate the rain or dance in it." - Joan Marques
"Why would I build a bridge if I don't even know there's a casm?"- Bill Buxton, Microsoft Research

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