18 September 2006

Computing Field of View on a Hexagonal Grid : http://www.sable.mcgill.ca/~clump/Hex/HGAT.html (opens Java Applet window).

Online Russia Railway Map : http://www.parovoz.com/maps/supermap/supermap.php?X=C&Y=1&LANG=en

BlogMap : http://www.touchgraph.com/bi.php?img=blog%20politics.png

Large map to small map : http://crestar.drivein-jim.net/maptutorials/largetosmall/index.html ( a different method, no trimming) and other mapping Suggestions Via http://www.fantasist.net/cartography.shtml

'ZUI" blog mentions : http://blogsearch.google.com/blogsearch?hl=en&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=ZUI%20zoomable (20)

Site search vs web search : http://blog.sli-systems.com/2006/09/site_search_vs_web_search.html guess is that there would be at least an order of magnitude more site searches done, .i.e. more than 2 billion/day! ... that's why site search engines like Endeca, Autonomy and FAST will continue to grow in a much faster pace(?).
Google Sitemaps for Blogspot users : http://labnol.blogspot.com/2006/04/google-sitemaps-now-open-for-blogspot.html (verification method that doesn't require you to upload any file to your webserver root directory. Just add a sitemaps meta tag to your homepage and tell Google about it. Done! Site Verified: your site or blog can start receiving Sitemaps statistics immediately.)

Cultural Differences, Technological Imperialism and Indigenous GIS : http://www.directionsmag.com/article.php?article_id=2173&trv=1 ...are there significant cross-cultural variations in how different peoples conceptualize and reason about geographic processes, features and places?

Collaborative map function development group : http://digg.com/tech_news/Google_Maps_add_dynamic_zoom_window

Off The Map : http://10.futuresonic.com/urban_play/off_the_map_projects/ Projects

Example MySace account : http://myspace.com/weirdal

Collage & Paper Arts Book List : http://www.nitaleland.com/books/collagebooks.htm

Discussed : http://www.talkdigger.com/search/conversations/as/all//any//phrase/topic%20maps/none//wl/1/l/all From conversation: information as Fotomosaico infinito and #30 here http://sabbah.biz/mt/archives/2006/05/08/alaa-detained-for-15-days-pending-investigation/ Via http://www.talkdigger.com/conversations/greatmap.blogspot.com/2006/06/mimicking-googles-style-in-esris.html

The Problem with Maps : http://theparson.net/maps.html

Was I taken out of these results by clusty.com moderators (?) or was my feed picked-up by one of the aggregators ? Interestingly enough came up (#2 / 5000)

"Noble discontent is the path to heaven." - Thomas Wentworth Higginson
"Well, when you are thinking about changing the world, the money is not as much as you think. " - Dr. Nawal M. Nour
"Cartography is a fluid art." - Miss Dove Via http://go.owu.edu/~jbkrygie/krygier_html/geog_222/geog_222_lo/geog_222_lo07.html
"There is something fascinating about science. One gets such wholesale returns of conjecture out of such a trifling investment of fact." - Mark Twain
"A line is breadthless length.” - Euclid

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