28 June 2006

Mimicking Google's style in ESRI's ArcMap 8.3 (as a style file) : http://conversationswithmyself.com/181

Amazing zoom example : http://interact10ways.com/usa/information_interactive.htm

Knowledge-based Content Navigation in e-Learning Applications : http://www.ee.ucl.ac.uk/lcs/papers2002/LCS115.pdf

Geographically accurate TubeMap : http://www.nyclondon.com/blog/images/tube_geo.jpg overlaid onto a satellite image of London.

Hexagons for systems thinking : http://www.metabridge.com/assoc/hexsys/hesys.htm (Idea + icon = "idon")

Data Mining: Mapping The Blogosphere : http://datamining.typepad.com/gallery/blog-map-gallery.html and http://datamining.typepad.com/photos/uncategorized/livejournal.png Via : http://datamining.typepad.com/

Putting the 'map' back in Topic Maps : http://shelter.nu/art-007.html

The shrinking map of Palestine : http://sabbah.biz/mt/archives/2006/05/10/the-shrinking-map-of-palestine/
(in London Times, 5 May 2006, 'Truth in Mapping')

Mapping the Web Infome : software enables the creation of web crawlers and the creation of visualizations/mappings of the collected data.

Example to show how a pixel-to-hexagon-map can be implemented in python : http://arainyday.se/projects/python/HexagonExample/

Submit photos to fill green squares : http://www.geograph.org.uk/mapbrowse.php for pixel-based collage.

The Collaborative Technologies Conference mind map notes of sessions attended :
http://flickr.com/search/?w=all&q=ctc2006%2Cmindmap&m=tags Via http://www.mindthis.net/mindthis/2006/06/mind_maps_of_th.html

(The Project Gutenberg Edition of) the King James Bible :
Table Of Contents

Ten thousand art 'maps' : http://search.deviantart.com/searchcraft/?cmd=1&offset=0&search=map

'Some things in life are bad,They can really make you mad,
Other things just make you swear and curse,
When you're chewing on life's gristle, Don't grumble, give a whistle,
And this'll help things turn out for the best, and...
Soundtrack : http://www.montypythonsspamalot.com/HighBand/promos_CD.html (excerpts).

"Extreme positions are not succeeded by moderate ones, but by contrary extreme positions." - Friedrich Nietzsche
"We know more than we think we know." - Richard E. Cytowic
"To search for truth, one has to be drunk with imagination." - Leonard Bernstein
"I'll play it first and tell you what it is later." - Miles Davis
"Let's have some new cliches" - Samuel Goldwyn

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