12 June 2006

AJAX: the cross-platform successor to Java : http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20050808-5183.html
Via http://episteme.arstechnica.com/groupee/forums/a/tpc/f/174096756/m/452007474731

Interface and Navigation Design : http://www.masternewmedia.org/interface_and_navigation_design.htm

Orion Map Maker : http://www.solarwinds.net/Netperfmon/Help/Admin/AdminGuide.htm?http://www.solarwinds.net/Netperfmon/Help/Admin/chapter%206.htm
is a powerful tool for creating custom maps and network diagrams.

GRASS : http://c.en.wikimiki.org/en/grass (Geographic Resources Analysis Support System)

Hexagonal Grid Tutorials ;
http://www.drking.plus.com/hexagons/misc/grid.html “Hexagon Grid: Distances,” discusses how to calculate distances on a hexagonal grid.
http://www.gamedev.net/reference/programming/features/arttilebase/ “Tile/Map-Based Games Techniques: Base Data Structures,” discusses the main map structure and unit structures used in tile and map-based games.
http://www.webwargaming.com/hexpart/hexpart.html “Web Wargaming,” discusses hexagon map, hexpart grid and hexpart math.
http://www-cs-students.stanford.edu/~amitp/Articles/GridToHex.html “Pixel Coordinates to Hexagonal Coordinates.”

Maya 2 Google Earth : http://production.eyebeam.org/tools/maya2google/ open-source, cross-platform tool that allows you to export 3D models as a single Google Earth Placemark (KML) file. Via : http://www.coolhunting.com/archives/2006/02/maya_2_google_e.php

Researcher Recalls When Technology Developed To Map The Earth Was Applied To The Shroud Of Turin : http://geocarta.blogspot.com/2006/02/researcher-recalls-when-technology.html

Places - Images - Jerusalem : http://www.ebibleteacher.com/imagehtml/ntplaces.html

More hex resources via http://www.ics.uci.edu/~eppstein/junkyard/2d.html

Animated Folding : http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~flab/unfold/unfolding.html can be rotated / paused.

Video of the unknown rebel standing in front of the Chinese tanks at Tiananmen Square : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9-nXT8lSnPQ&search=tiananmen
Via http://www.youtube.com/results?search=tiananmen

"If we were not so single-minded about keeping our lives moving,
and for once could do nothing,
perhaps a huge silence might interrupt this sadness of never understanding ourselves
and of threatening ourselves with death." - Pablo Neruda (quoted in R. S. Gottlieb, This Sacred Earth)

"We can think conceptually of that which is not sensible at all, and not imaginable." - Mortimer Adler
"Seriousness is the only refuge of the shallow." - Oscar Wilde
"Stop telling God how big your storm is. Instead, tell your storm how big your God is!!!" - ?
"You've achieved success in your field when you don't know whether what you're doing is work or play." - Warren Beatty

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