07 June 2006

MapHub : http://www.maphub.org/ collaborative mapping.

Geography has a long tradition of using specialized mapping tools for asking spatial questions. (via Spatial Questions for Spatial Thinking Microsoft Word format or View as HTML) :
1. Express location. – Where is this place? Location
2. Describe conditions at a location. – What is there? Condition (Site conditions)
3. Trace connections with other locations. – How is this place linked with other places? Connection
4. Compare locations. – How are places similar or different? Comparison
5. Describe the zone of influence around a location. – How far does its influence extend? Aura
6. Delimit a region of similar places. – What nearby places are similar to each other? Region
7. Describe the area between places. – How do things change between two places? Transition
8. Find an analog for a place. – What other places have similar conditions? Analog
9. Identify a spatial pattern. – What distinctive arrangements can you see on a map? Pattern
10. Compare spatial patterns. – Are the spatial patterns similar? Pattern comparison, Correlation
11. Extract the exceptions to a rule. – Where are the places that do not fit the rule? Exceptions
12. Analyze changes in pattern through space and time. – How do things spread through space? Diffusion
13. Construct spatial models. – Are distant places linked by intermediate processes? Spatial model

Maps, Visualizations and social transformation : http://www.moviments.net/euromovements/tiki-index.php?page=TaxinomyVisuals&PHPSESSID=c64a2159cf25a1a9e80aaf4902952b45

Google Maps 'Ad' : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ug_dIOE7x8Q (video)

Sackler publication : http://www.nap.edu/catalog/11048.html (Table of Contents / skim capability).

Spruced-Up(?) Site Maps : http://www.alistapart.com/articles/sprucemaps/

Rich search : http://www.google.ca/search?q=Waldo+Tobler%27s+Law&hl=en&lr=&start=0&sa=N

'don't be square, try a hexagon' : http://www.drking.plus.com/hexagons/index.html Magic Hexagons are relatively new discoveries - the first type being found in 1887, the second in 2003 : http://naturalmaths.com.au/hexagonia/

Garden of Eden Map : http://www.bl.uk/whatson/exhibitions/lieland/m3-1a-l1.html
Via : http://www.bl.uk/whatson/exhibitions/lieland/m3-1a.html

Road Map To Nowhere : http://www.zmag.org/content/showarticle.cfm?SectionID=107&ItemID=10286

PrecarityMap : http://www.precarity-map.net/ ; a confluence of intermittent work and precarious existence. Precarity is a condition of existence without predictability or security, affecting material or psychological welfare.

Map Auction : http://www.christies.com/LotFinder/search/searchresults.asp?T=Lot&entry=map

Just joined http://lists.euromovements.info/mailman/listinfo/visual Visual - Forum on visualization and cartography applied to action research on social movements.

Tiltomo sample 'map' results : http://www.tiltomo.com/?PHPSESSID=47105cd1dfba6f85ab5222a1deca833f&search=map from 24 hour snap shot of images uploaded to flickr.

"To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an Hour." - William Blake (1757-1827), Auguries of Innocence
"There is somebody wiser than any of us, and that is everybody." - Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)

"Economic power moved to those who can show us how to get to what we look for." - http://collectivate.net/journalisms/2006/6/2/visualize-your-blog.html

"Trying to determine what is going on in the world by reading newspapers is like trying to tell the time by watching the second hand of a clock." - Ben Hecht
"Lack of money is no obstacle. Lack of an idea is an obstacle." - Ken Hakuta

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