09 June 2006

Google Map Mania continues to go crazy : http://dailywireless.org/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=5389

Zoomifyer : http://www.zoomify.com/ enables fast initial display and interactive zoom and pan for images that are megabytes or even gigabytes in size Examples (slices images into folders of JPEG 'tiles' that stream on-demand). Via http://www.19.5degs.com/element/1203.php

Online collaborative sketching tool : http://admin3.imaginationatwork.com/LaunchPage 'imagination draws us together'.

Rotate a cuboctahedron : http://www.ac-noumea.nc/maths/amc/polyhedr/img_J/A_04.htm and http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Cuboctahedron.html

Quick example of a Tile Map : http://www.xtremevbtalk.com/showthread.php?t=200318

MAPPING TERRITORIES : http://www.elsewheremapping.com/mapter.html reviews.

Construction of Fractal Objects : http://www.cs.utexas.edu/~naylor/papers/Fractals-IFS.pdf

The History of Sampling : http://jessekriss.com/projects/samplinghistory/

Web button maker : http://www.buttonator.com/

Yin /Yang : http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=588220

William Playfair (inventor and ardent advocate of statistical graphics) : http://www.psych.utoronto.ca/~spence/Spence_Wainer_1997a.pdf A daring worthless fellow. Via http://www.psych.utoronto.ca/~spence/Research_WP.html

"A map is not absolute: the power it represents can never be perfect. It can be constantly subverted and challenged." - Eyal Weizman, Israeli architect
"Art is either plagiarism or revolution." - Paul Gauguin
"Remember always that you have not only the right to be an individual; you have the obligation to be one. You cannot make any useful contribution in life unless you do." - Eleanor Roosevelt
"Idleness is not doing nothing. Idleness is being free to do anything." - Floyd Dell

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