22 February 2006

"The Sopranos" Map: http://www.nytimes.com/2006/02/20/technology/20google.html?_r=1&oref=slogin created an interactive map of New Jersey, using satellite maps from Google, and have highlighted important points of the most recent season's storyline. The map has about 15 icons in specific areas where scenes took place. When the user clicks on an icon, the scene plays in a pop-up window, which also supplies a description and a list of characters. Via http://gada.be/d/map

Animated Icons : http://www.utikonyv.hu/0-release-2/objektum.php?nyelv=2&id=104&sablon=117 (not Flash?)

Ajax: A New Approach to Web Applications : http://spaces.msn.com/cormen/Blog/cns!D12CCF9F6E743DCD!118.entry and AJAX Overview : http://mcsisra.blogspot.com/2006/02/ajax-introduction-ajax-acronym-for.html

Beginners Guide to Pathfinding Algorithms : http://ai-depot.com/Tutorial/PathFinding.html

The REAL creators of the GoogleMap technology (?) : http://www.bernhardseefeld.ch/archives/000099.html

Historical and Thematic Maps - History - World History & Concepts : http://encarta.msn.com/mediacenter_6.2.8/World_History_Concepts.html#tcsel

By 2010, the click-to-call ad market could be worth substantial money to the search advertising industry : http://www.webpronews.com/topnews/topnews/wpn-60-20060221ClickToCallMayRingUp37Billion.html (Little phone icons next to advertisements offer users a chance to click-to-call a business that is paying for that sponsored link. Upon receiving the phone contact information from the user, the advertiser contacts the interested party).

Game Atlas Project : http://maps.eq2interface.com/index.php?action=maptutorial

'Maps, We Don't Need Stinking Maps!' : http://choppermurman.blogspot.com/2006/02/maps-we-dont-need-stinking-maps.html (but we need GPS?)

When is a list not a list? When it's a map : http://personalhyperspace.blogspot.com/2005/10/when-is-list-not-list-when-its-map.html I always thought that a site map was a misnomer for what is simply a list of pages in a Web site. Via http://personalhyperspace.blogspot.com/2005/10/when-is-list-not-list-when-its-map.html

"You cannot travel on the path until you become the path itself." - Buddha
"That there should one Man die ignorant who had capacity for Knowledge, this I call a tragedy." - Thomas Carlyle
"Theory provides the maps that turn an uncoordinated set of experiments or computer simulations into a cumulative exploration. " - David Goldberg
"Learn to limit yourself, to content yourself with some definite thing, and some definite work; dare to be what you are, and learn to resign with a good grace all that you are not and to believe in your own individuality." - Henri-Frédéric Amiel
"The poet is a brother speaking to a brother of “a moment of their other lives”—a moment that had been buried beneath the dust of the busy world." - Edith Sitwell
"The path of duty lies in what is near at hand, but men seek for it in what is remote." - Proverb

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