24 February 2006

Innovative interfaces based on SphereXP three-dimensional desktop : http://www.spheresite.com/ All objects are situated around the user. He can easily turn around and manipulate with them. You can bring them closer to the view port or send them back. Via : http://pcbuyersguide.co.za/printthread.php?t=175&pp=40

Skype + Google Maps = SKmap : http://www.webpronews.com/blogtalk/blogtalk/wpn-58-20060216SkypeGoogleMapsSKmap.html

Mapping Interface (The Murals of Winnipeg : http://www.themuralsofwinnipeg.com/Mpages/index.php) : http://www.themuralsofwinnipeg.com/Mpages/indexMuralsMap.php

Hexagonal Grids : http://www-cs-students.stanford.edu/~amitp/gameprog.html#hex There are two ways of rendering the grid (flat-side up and point up). Each of these presents a different algorithm and a solution to the point hit test problem. If the flat-side-up orientation is chosen, you will actually end up with fewer hexes visible on the screen at a time. (Via Hexagonal Coordinates, Distances, and Angles : http://www-cs-students.stanford.edu/~amitp/Articles/Hexagon1.html ).

Geography of Seinfeld : http://www.stolasgeospatial.com/seinfeld.htm

Topic Map cartography: processing complex systems into elegant intelligibility...: http://www.infoloom.com/pipermail/topicmapmail/2001q2/000440.html (discussion).

Integrated Zoom/Color/Spin/Mix & Match : http://www.scene7.com/demos/retail/integrated_viewer.asp (Flash) Image Sizing , Graphical Effects , Layering ... Via http://www.scene7.com/demos/index.asp

"Users on del.icio.us who give meaningful tags to helpful/timely URLs (as evidenced by others subsequently doing the same) will be rewarded with higher CollaborativeRank, : http://collabrank.org/?cmd=search&query=map (which means that their tagging will have greater influence on this search engine’s rankings.")

Collaborative mapping troubleshooting : http://gallery.menalto.com/node/32642?from=1450&comments_per_page=50

Guided Navigation will play an increasingly large role in the future of search, and Endeca (http://endeca.com/resources/pdf/Endeca_Technical_Overview.pdf ) is holding the key. —"Beyond Googling," William Quist, AlwaysOn, April 20, 2005 http://endeca.com/partners/partner_directory.html

Real-space optical illusions : http://www.2loop.com/3drooms.html

Online art mag : http://www.digicult.it/digimag_eng/index.html

Top 10 Advantages of ADD in a High Tech Career : http://adultaddstrengths.com/2006/02/09/top-10-advantages-of-add-in-a-high-tech-career/

"A man was journeying up a mountain. He looked around and saw others going a different way, even a different direction. "Fools!" he thought, "They are going the wrong way." The man kept journeying until,Years later, he reached the top---It was a very high mountain. And then, he saw Those other Fools. They were on top of the mountain too." - Tao
"From a distance it is something; and nearby it is nothing." - Jean de LaFontaine
"Everywhere is walking distance if you have the time." - Steven Wright
"Wherever a new disagreement emerges, so does new hope for enlightenment, on both sides of the fence. " - The Universe
"Work while you have the light. You are responsible for the talent that has been entrusted to you." - Henri-Frédéric Amiel
"The only usefulness of a map or a language depends on the similarity of structure between the empirical world and the map-languages." - Alfred Korzybski (1879 - 1950) Polish-US scientist; Science and Sanity, p. 61.

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