11 November 2021


CryptoArt Community; https://foundation.app/about


MMIWG Announcements; https://mcsc.maps.arcgis.com/apps/AttachmentViewer/index.html?appid=5ccf226e950c450597cb9d8a3b9b7fae&defaultObjectId=2375&selectedLayerId=Cases&showOnboardingOnStart=false&photoCentricMobileMapExpanded=false&center=-113.809%2C52.2685&level=4&attachmentIndex=0

CN Tower proposal artist; https://www.facebook.com/JonLabilloisArt/ 

COVID Peltzman effects





“When the fear of ‘things staying the same’ exceeds the fear of ‘failure’, stuff happens.” - The Universe

“The art of life is more like navigation than warfare, for what is important is to understand the winds, the tides, the currents, the seasons, and the principles of growth and decay, so that one's actions may use them and not fight them.” - Tao: The Watercourse Way

“Practice not-doing, and everything will fall into place.” - Lao Tzu

“Great things are not accomplished by those who yield to trends and fads and popular opinion." - Jack Kerouac

“The true purpose of Zen is to see things as they are, to observe things as they are, and to let everything go as it goes...  When we realize the everlasting truth of ‘everything changes’ and find our composure in it, we find ourselves in Nirvana.” - Shunryu Suzuki

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