04 May 2018



(VR 3D painting) https://www.tiltbrush.com/

(Book) http://www.simonandschuster.ca/books/The-Map-of-Salt-and-Stars/Jennifer-Zeynab-Joukhadar/9781982100766




(Hip Flexors) http://healingthroughmovement.com/order-23/?utm_expid=41201035-27.w2RiBw4xTPOstfdHIcjhzA.1&utm_referrer=http%3A%2F%2Fm.facebook.com

(Running the Bulls)  http://www.barrerasfloriste.com/


"We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty." - Maya Angelou
"I'm addicted to placebos. I could quit, but it wouldn't matter.” - Stephen Wright
"What you think about comes about. By recording your dreams and goals on paper, you set in motion the process of becoming the person you most want to be. Put your future in good hands; your own." - Mark Victor Hansen; American inspirational and motivational speaker, trainer
"Bad weather always looks worse through a window." - Tom Lehrer
"One of the greatest paradoxes of your physical senses, is that your eyes actually show you what you believe, not what you see." - The Universe

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