24 April 2014


Putting the ‘Awe’ in augmented reality


Canadian Artist of the Week

"In Praise of Copying"  (buy paperback book or) download free pdf  Via : http://www.hup.harvard.edu/features/boon/


http://dailyxy.com/article/fight-right/  (love and hate are intimately linked in the human brain)

(Definition) "enantidromia;" : when things get to their extreme they turn into their opposite

http://www.networksolutions.com/support/preparing-a-domain-name-for-a-transfer-out-of-network-solutions/   to GoDaddy

"All that you need, to have all that you want, lies inside of you, right now. Everything." - The Universe
"Making art is a lot about seeing what happens if you put some energy into something." - Kiki Smith
"Sometimes the only power an artist has is the power to delete." - John Devlin
"Realize that everything connects to everything else." - Leonardo da Vinci
"What you learn is far more important than what you earn." - David Ogilvy

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