17 June 2013

Canada & The US: Bizarre Borders (Part 2)

Revealing the Neuroscience of Creativity

Top 40 Arduino Projects

America Invents Act Leads to Patent Filing Surge

Know About GIFs

(The Next Step in Video Games) Augmented Reality

Origami (and textile) artist

Small light box (made out of electrical box) Night Light

Ontario Arts Council Programs


"Future civilizations will know we were crazy when they see clips of us talking into our screens." - David Gelernter, WIRED
"I can't believe it, I was young just minutes ago." - Maurice Sendak
"So no rock star life for me. Just getting up in the morning, going to the studio, rolling up my sleeves, and getting to work, day in, day out." - @gapingvoid
"The answer to every question beginning with 'Why' begins with 'Because I love you.' And the answer to every question beginning with 'How' begins with 'None of your beeswax'." - TU
"If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."- Lao Tzu (6th century BCE)

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