09 April 2013

(Video) Raster Data For Your Mobile Maps (add the data to your map using the TileProvider interface that's part of the Google Maps Android API v2)

Art is math is art for Professor Coxeter

Twenty Four Additional Fluxus Ideas

How to Find Out if You Were Googled ...

(Latest entry in Off Book, a PBS web series exploring cutting edge art and internet culture)  The Art of Illustration 

(Poem) Scissors and glue, scissors and glue: It’s what we’ve got to do.

3D business cards

http://pinterest.com/elaineseifert/tutorials/  (watercolour painting)



"... As if art were ‘about’ beauty—as science is ‘about’ truth!" - Susan Sontag (9/10/1964)
"Because power is based on violence, children play-fight. Because the world is virtualizing itself in a permanent flow of images and information, artists borrow its codes from the video gaming world, to mirror a reality that is everyday more deceptive." -  Isabelle Arvers  Via
"We had the sky up there, all speckled with stars, and we used to lay on our backs and look up at them, and discuss about whether they was made or only just happened—Jim he allowed they was made, but I allowed they happened; I judged it would have took too long to make so many."  - Huckleberry Finn
"I waited 25 years for digital technology so I could finally do what I always wanted." - Via
"...the main task of the Platonist who wishes to persuade non-believers is to learn the trade, from prophets and lyrical poets, of how to communicate an experience that transcends the language available to describe it." - Barry Mazur Via

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