19 September 2012

(Map collection) 'California as Island'

Odd Things Happen When You Chop Up Cities And Stack Them Sideways

Adapting Ourselves to Adaptive Content

Steve Wozniak Hates the Patent Wars

David Byrne on How Music and Creativity Work

http://www.economist.com/blogs/graphicdetail http://artinfo.com/news/story/820008/see-zaha-hadids-venice-biennale-installation-a-blooming-tribute-to-an-obscure-german-engineer


DIY dip dyed denim  project

BioWare co-founders retire, to exit the game industry

"So go ahead and act as if your decisions are temporary. Because they are. Be bold, make mistakes, learn a lesson..." - Via
"Turtur quoque blandiatur (The turtle also has winning ways)." - Kjerkius Gennius, 36BC
"Recognition is the greatest motivator." - Gerard C. Eakedale
"You worry about the back covers, I'll worry about the front covers." - Steve Jobs
"You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have." - Maya Angelou in Conversations with Maya Angelou, 1989   Via

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