08 April 2009

teachspatial.org is a collaborative, interactive, web site devoted to improving our understanding of how spatial thinking contributes to science and society.

Experimenting with Doodle-Buzz (experimental interface that allows you to create typographic maps of current news stories). Via

Flickr OpenSim group http://www.flickr.com/groups/opensim/

(Conference) Art and Science: exploring the limits of human perception

Brain correlates of musical improvisation

Top Toronto Blogs

Video editing made easy (and cheap)

Emma McNally : London based artist/ contemporary (cartography inspired) drawings

(Definition) 'Polyscopy' : (very roughly and metaphorically means) "looking from a mountain top" in order to see which way to go. In education, that means that we motivate our learning and exploration by some basic high-level insights (for ex. what information design is really all about) and we then learn what we feel is most relevant for the task.

WildMaps reminded TAP patron of this movie.

"You don't have to get things right, just get things going." - Inspirational verses Motivational
"No object is mysterious. The mystery is in your eye." - Elizabeth Bowen
"Feel the smile stretching across your face, notice the lightness in your step, hear the sparkle in your voice, and all things, material and spiritual, will dance to the beat of your drums." - The Universe
"I think war might be God's way of teaching us geography." - Paul Rodriguez
"Real art speaks to successive generations." - Charles Schultz (from Charlie Rose interview)

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