03 November 2008

Political Word Clouds

Design of Spatial Apps

2008 U.S. Election (click on the "News by State" tab, you will either see political news, for the current candidate, scoped to your state, OR if we don't have a mapping for your IP address, you will see the same thing only scoped to the state of California).

Responses to “Mapping a connected world” : http://www.ethanzuckerman.com/blog/2008/09/08/mapping-a-connected-world/

Discovery and Exploration Cartographic Items

Accelerated learning through visual representations

The Path of Reason

PictureBox specializes in bringing artists’ visions to print in startling and unexpected ways. (Possible Atlas publisher)

College eLearning program links to.

five paintings, each measuring 11ft. x 30ft.

"Yes, happiness comes in the form of a map." - Appledelhi Siniz Hesap Lufen Via
"It's just one of those damn things of which there are many few." - Dan Blocker
"Break rules. Even your own rules." - John Cage, 'Rules for Students and Teachers'
"Name the greatest of all inventors. Accident." - Mark Twain
"There did not seem to be this many cars on the map." - Junior, Kim Possible

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