11 September 2008

(Toward a Temporal GIS) AirTime: Visualization of Change in Philadelphia

The theatre of interface


MAPAS MENTALES (more examples )

This French (eLearning module) referral still gets clicked on occasionally : http://www.petillant.com/rubrique7.html

FantasyAtlas : http://www.fantasy-atlas.org/

As easy as ...:

Paul Laffoley - Visionary Art (moved into an eighteen- by thirty-foot utility room to found a one-man “think tank” and creative unit called the Boston Visionary Cell).

Upload your Photo and Try a New Hairstyle or Grow a Mustache, Virtually

Now linked under 'MAgazines - E_zines' at : http://www.performativecities.com/index.php?cat=pc0

"A little known secret concerning life in the jungles of time and space, is that however far you reach, you will go farther." - TU
"You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have." - Maya Angelou (1928 — )
"There’s no present. There’s only the immediate future and the recent past." - George Carlin
"Graphic design which evokes the symmetria of Vitruvius, the dynamic symmetry of Hambidge, the asymmetry ofMondrian; which is a good gestalt, generated by intuition or by computer, by invention or by a system of coordinates, is not good design if it does not communicate." - Paul Rand (1985) Via
"Anyway, so the Buddha goes into a pizzeria and says, “Make me one with everything.”" - Ba-doom, ba-doom...

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