28 April 2008

(Graph) Web 3.0

Introduce open source processes that will unleash the creativity of many times the number of people looking at the same data (and eliminate the duplication that is caused by closing off processes to protect them).

Map Quilt : http://aykayem.blogspot.com/2007/07/magical-map-of-journey-of-life.html

eLearning Comic : http://junogrove.com/Barb/JohnnyBunko23SAMPLE.pdf

Science As Art : Princeton University's Art of Science competition brings together science and engineering research aesthetics and presents it as an art form. (Images, videos and sound that are produced in research using tools and concepts from science are entered).

The Top 100 Lamest Excuses for Not Innovating Via

LinkedIn request : Genco Gulan (Artist, writer, lecturer at Yeditepe University, Turkey)
http://gencogulan.com/kavramsal-renkler.pdf (probably via)

Things You Didn't Know You Could Do With Google

Buy map images : http://www.imagekind.com/SearchResult.aspx?search=map

Toronto Library Special Collections, Genealogy and Maps Centre Via http://www.torontopubliclibrary.ca/uni_spe_maps.jsp

Outstanding Caricatures (3Mb)

"Arrange whatever pieces come your way."- Virginia Wolf
"At the simplest level, artist and scientists alike make it possible for people to appreciate patterns which they were either unable to distinguish, or which they had learned to ignore in order to cope with the complexity of their daily lives." - Frank Oppenheimer, Physicist and founder of Exploratorium Science Museum in San Francisco Via
"Write down the thoughts of the moment. Those that come unsought for are commonly the
most valuable." - Francis Bacon
"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm." - Winston Churchill, British politician and Nobel Prize Laureate
"Is it so important that those in your life fully appreciate how much you mean to them? Or can you get along just fine knowing it for yourself?" - The Universe

1 comment:

aykayem said...

The places I find myself ... LOL
- I am the person who made (and blogged) that map quilt ... your site turned up in the results when I was searching for myself ;-)
Interesting looking blog - I must remember to come back and look again ... and it is nice to know that someone liked my quilt enough to put my link in their blog - thanks ;-)