13 December 2007

Research-based method for creating high-quality structured content : http://www.infomap.com/index.cfm/Expertise/Expertise( makes complex information easy to access and use).

Another way to create your own visitor map . Via : http://allanscartographicblog.blogspot.com/

The Poincaré Disk

Impressionistic CtityModel : http://www.spaceandculture.org/2007/11/22/gazette/ Via

Reclaiming the American West (PDF) - View as HTML (through word, cartography, mapping and image, examines this intricate regional story).

Anisohedral Tiling Summary Page

Snowflakes - A Thematic Approach

Gmail: Beyond the Basics

Slow innovation -- long wow?

Torontarded : http://www.cbc.ca/mercerreport/#603441353

Orphanage : http://www.tumainimilesofsmilescentre.org/healthcare.htm

"Therein lies a formal justification for the ultimate complementarily of the search without (in the physical world) and the search within (in our own experience), for what we approach, in either case, from one side or the other, is the common boundary between them." - Spencer Brown Via
"When the mind of a man decides on a destination, his heart will design the map to get him there." - ?
"Remember that some of the best pats on the back are the ones you give yourself." - TU
"I bade farewell to myself in the mirror." - Jorge Borges, The Garden of Forking Paths
"More delicate than the historians’ are the map-makers’ colours." - Elizabeth Bishop, 1911–79 (‘The Map’ 1946)

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