18 September 2007

Using the Internet to Revolutionize Search and Rescue Via

The Art of the Conceptual Prototype (To help flesh out a vision of the system, we often put the information we do have into a mind map.)

PatentLandscape Map : PDF (1460 kb) drawn using the Aureka ThemeScapeTM software (which uses statistical algorithms to analyse the usage of words and phrases, and discern themes and relationships among documents.)

MediaEducation Map : http://www.mediaeducation.tv/freemindbrowser.html

(Example Map) Argument Mapping : http://www.austhink.org/pdf/Torture_guide_map.pdfResources

Art & Mapping : http://criticalspatialpractice.blogspot.com/2006/06/art-mapping.html

(Referenced at http://www.facom.ufba.br/ciberpesquisa/andrelemos/2007/09/great-map.html) : "O blog Great Map publica, a cada post, links e referências interessantes sobre mapas, localização, tags. Outros blogs interessantes sobre os temas da mobilidade, locative media, cybercity são o varnelis.net de Kazys Varnelis, diretor do Network Architecture Lab da Columbia University, o New Mobilities de Kingsley Dennis, pesquisador de Lancaster, GB, o Neo-Nomad da francesa Yasmine Abbas, atualmente consultora da ReD, e o Rodcorp, todos com links, informações e artigos interessantes. " (Marcadores: )

John HEARTFIELD (co-invented photomontage in a South End studio at five o'clock on a May morning in 1916) : DADA-BERLIN

"You aren't what you were." - R.B. Wild
"There are two ways of spreading light - to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it." - Edith Wharton
"We should work like the rain. The rain just falls one rain drop after another. It doesn’t ask: Am I making a nice sound down below? Will the plants be glad to see me? Millions and billions of raindrops, only falling." - Jakusho Kwong (1935 - ), American Zen Buddhist Monk
"The reluctance to put away childish things may be a requirement of genius." - Rebecca P. Sinkler
"Why not go out on a limb? Isn't that where the fruit is?" - Frank Scully

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