20 October 2006

Time Capsule : http://timecapsule.yahoo.com invites anyone in the world to contribute five simple things: words, pictures, sound, video, and drawings, in response to ten universal ideas: love, sorrow, anger, faith, beauty, fun, past, hope, now, and "you" (Jonathan Harris' latest work, a time capsule, commissioned by Yahoo!) .

WMS Tile Caching : http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/WMS_Tile_Caching to find a way to optimize the delivery of map imagery across the Internet. Via http://lists.maptools.org/pipermail/ka-map-users/2006-June/001743.html

Multiform Glyph Based Web Search Result Visualization : http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/IV.2006.111 (PDF)

Maps as a Tool for Creativity : http://images.businessweek.com/ss/06/09/in_short/source/1.htm A recent edition of BusinessWeek Online's IN: Inside Innovation offers its picks for seven tools and trends that companies are using to jump-start creativity. Mapping is included in two instances: as a way of diagramming social networks within organizations, and also as a tool for visualizing collaborative work on wikis via IBM's History Flow tool. Via http://dd.dynamicdiagrams.com/?p=196

Waterman Polyhedron : http://www.watermanpolyhedron.com/watermanpolyhedra1.html the basic series are defined as - The convex hull of the intersection of a closed ball with the lattice of sphere-center points of a cubic close packing

Hex map : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hex_map From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Aerith : https://aerith.dev.java.net/ is a Swing Mashup, or smashup, combining three webservices: Google Maps, Flickr, and Yahoo's geocoding webservice to let users create, view, and share slideshows of their road trip photos. (It was presented as a demo at the 2006 JavaOne conference). Via http://weblogs.java.net/blog/editors/archives/2006/06/into_the_great.html

Mapgears : http://www.mapgears.com/technologies_en.html offers consulting, technical support, training and software development services in the open source geospatial software field, and more specifically Web mapping using MapTools.org technologies.

James Burke interviewed about K-Web Project : http://www.stranova.com/Podcasts/Stranova25.mp3

The Modern Inventors Documentation database : http://invention.smithsonian.org/resources/MIND_Search_Basic.aspx

Links to fractal music generators : http://www.fractal-vibes.com/fvc/Frame01.php3

http://www.1-900-870-6235.com/Images/TrailBlazer.jpg --------------------->

"I do not ask to walk smooth paths nor bear an easy load.
I pray for strength and fortitude to climb the rock strewn road.
Give me such courage and I can scale the hardest peaks alone,
And transform every stumbling block into a stepping stone." - Gale Brook Burket
"Planting a seed doesn't make it grow." - Sass Jordan
"A mind cannot really grow very much by only accumulating more and more new knowledge. It must also develop new and better ways to use what it already knows." - Marvin Minsky
"An old soul is always prepared to admit they might be wrong, especially when they're not." - TU

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