03 December 2008

Rich Media Institute : http://www.richmediainstitute.com/ (Training)

(WIRED MAGAZINE: ISSUE 15.07) Google Maps Is Changing the Way We See the World

Getting around Montréal

Exploring creative innovative modes of visual communication of information : http://visualthinkmap.ning.com/

The Miura map fold (aka Miura-ori) is an example of a rigid origami model (can be folded from sheet metal with hinges instead of crease lines).

YouTomb draws attention to YouTube copyright takedowns

Variable-width 'film scroll bar' (at bottom of page)

Art and Geometry

The Greatest Work Of Art Ever (?) : http://www.theworldismycanvas.com/greatevent/

Custom Cut Acrylic (clear Lucite acrylic any size you want).

"... it's often hard to get away from the omnipresent, flat, overhead view in the mapping conversation. There is no coincidence to that as it speaks to human desire to see everything in an attempt to "know" the city. Remembering the orientational metaphors, to "know" means we must rise up, transcending the muck of the street to see the city from where it cannot reach us. From a distance, the city can be properly idealized. Of course, this kind of knowledge reduces 'the city' to an abstraction..." - Carlisle
"If you neglect your art for one day it will neglect you for two." - ?
"Your gifts are innumerable; your depth is incalculable; your presence is unforgettable. Your touch is healing; your style is appealing; your power is mind reeling." - The Universe
"Fools rush in where fools have been before." - ?
"If you try very hard to create a good thing it will probably be bad. So let's be bad." - Via?

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