05 July 2012

Google Maps Coordinate

Mapping Utopia

What’s a Boson?

Fortuna was the goddess of fortune and personification of luck in Roman religion.

(Slide Show) Cubism : Photo Montage
(Paper Artist)  http://marshallalexander.net/

Have you fallen into the “busy” trap?

Tom Brokaw Explains Canada To Americans 

"The ideas of your friends are not always the friends of your ideas." - vgr@ribbonfarm.com
"Courageous, outrageous, audacious, bodacious--where art thou?" - Robert Genn
"The secret to productivity in so many fields — and in origami — is letting dead people do your work for you." - Robert Lang
"The best way to forgive, is not to blame." - The Universe
"There is sky enough for every vision." - Follows Bear

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