11 August 2010

Different artistic outcomes are demonstrating how contemporary, new media art and design projects can be used for investigating the relationship between people and space (in order to discover new realities, perceptions and emotions that possibly could remain unknown under the objectivity of the conventional map representations).

Maps of Science Fiction

The Creativity Crisis (For the first time, research shows that American creativity is declining).

3D Logo Animation Cityscape

More Transparent Illusions

(TED Talk) We all know that great visuals enhance learning

(Book) Concise Learning: Learn More & Score Higher in Less Time with Less Effort

Artist Statements Do's and Don'ts : http://artiststatement.com/articles/astate-dos-n-donts.shtml

(Song) "home is wherever I'm with you..."

"If it’s not crazy, it’s not worth pursuing.: - Via
"So what if you don't have it yet? It's coming. You're gonna get it. You're gonna love it. And then you're gonna forget there was ever a time when you didn't have it." - The Universe
"I have used (almost) every image, of interest to me, I could find from any source. Email, Internet, magazines, newspapers, videos, and photos have all informed and influenced the work. This is the same information we encounter on a daily basis living in a western society. The constant bombardment of changing images can trigger thoughts that can direct our minds and influence our decisions, affect our moods and take us mentally to places we were not prepared to go. When we reach a conclusion the origins of the thought or idea are often forgotten." - Matthew Schofield
"Age is not something that matters unless you are cheese or wine. Be bold. Take the risk. Stay young." - Russ Hunter
"When you live on an island, you know where the edge is." - Newfoundlander

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