29 January 2010

Parsons Journal for Information Mapping (PJIM) : http://piim.newschool.edu/journal/issues/2010/01/ is an academic journal and online forum to promote research, writing, and development of information mapping, visualization, and related disciplines.

Great Examples of Infographics

http://www.google.com/patents (Advanced Patent Search)

(Research) http://improbable.com/

2009 Computer Graphics RETROSPECTIVE.

(Exercise for mastering your drawing techniques) Create doodleboards or multiple sketches to fill a whole page.

Art Commentary written by Julie Oakes : http://www.julieoakes.com/index.htm

(Definition) "paucity" ; the 'absence of', a smallness of number or quantity (of strokes), and the wisdom of knowing when to stop.

Why is poop brown?

"Whatever good things we build end up building us." - Jim Rohn, Author, Philosopher (1930-2009)
"Often it is tiny fragments which either make a picture convincing or totally incidental." - Simone Bingemer
"This is my second book. It is my best second book I've ever written." - Mark Changizi
"... all I need from you is a vision, followed by an unending march of little, tiny baby steps in its direction." - TU
"The best ideas come as jokes. Make your thinking as funny as possible."- David M. Ogilvy

28 January 2010

(Slideshows) Visual Thinking + Synthesis

Bicycle + GPS + 5 years = map of Toronto

(North Pacific) Garbage Island

Towards a Visual Critical Theory

Periodic Table of Typefaces

If you connect 17 suitably spaced dots with a segment of red, blue, or green, you will automatically create a “monochromatic” triangle whose three vertices are among the original 17 dots.

(Map Artist) http://www.eriklaffer.com/Available%20Work.html

(Reality Series) "Work of Art: The Next Great Artist"

Legal recourse is an option only to those who can afford it.

Best Fails

"Never cut what you can untie." - Joseph Joubert
"All the details are in the map (so, if you don't want to lose anything, you can have the map with annotations)." - Via
"Yet still, you'll be loved most for being a great friend." - The Universe
"Let there be spaces in your togetherness." - Kahlil Gibran
"If you get far enough away, you'll be on your way back home." - Tom Waits

27 January 2010

Conference) Artech 2010 “Envisioning Digital Spaces”

Information Architecture and Data Visualization Resources

Books on visual thinking

Bizzare Mapping Contest

Cognitive load theory

Santa Fe Institute : is a transdisciplinary research community that is expanding the boundaries of scientific understanding


On the increasing role of agents

Canadian Art New Contemporaries promotes and creates access to vibrant visual art.

Curious (Ebay) art pricing strategy

"Character is a bundle of habits, tendencies and interests, loosely bound together and dependent on circumstance and context." - Malcolm Gladwell
"You should know the theory, so that when you do break the rules, it is for a reason, not because you didn’t know better." - Warrior
"It had only one fault. It was kind of lousy." - James Thurber
"If given just one wish for the New Year (knowing you could wish for anything at all, and that whatever you wished for was GUARANTEED to come true), would you wish for all things to be EXACTLY as they are? Me too." - The Universe
"A good map is equivalent to a good book." - R.B. Wild (after Van Gogh)

26 January 2010

(Video) Designing for Visual Efficiency


How the Scientist Got His Ideas

Gallery of Maps

(Video) Death by PowerPoint

If the object is moving you’ll need less pixels or resolution.

"Maps in Movies" : http://www.subzin.com/s/map/15

(Cartographic research essay) http://www.senselab.ca/inflexions/volume_3/node_i3/Affective_Territories.html

(Panel video) “Art Publishing in the Digital Age

Inspiring Daily Rituals

"There is nothing worse than a sharp image of a fuzzy concept." - Adams
"The production of superior art requires a personal sense of uniqueness and an inclination toward rugged individualism." - Robert Genn
"It is easier to draw a good map than it is to draw a bad one. The difficulty is to have the will for it. A good map is the fruit of all your good living." - R.B.Wild (after Robert Henri, 1865-1929)
"Remember that leadership isn't about your position. It's about your influence." - Robin Sharma
"What people rarely give themselves credit for, is that their giving continues giving, even after they've forgotten giving, and even when they didn't know they were giving, forever and ever and ever." - TU

25 January 2010

Data visualization has finally gone viral

Taxonomy Blooms Digitally


UK snow Satellite Image

(Research) Spatial Navigation and Right Hemisphere Brain Function

Evolution of Photoshop: 1988 – 2009

(Essay) "Affective Territories" : http://www.senselab.ca/inflexions/volume_3/node_i3/Affective_Territories.html

(Huh?) Color Chart By Name

Artist Blogging 101

(Art Exhibition) The Art of Knowledge — When seeing is believing

"Whoever wants to know something about me - as an artist which alone is significant - they should look attentively at my pictures and there seek to recognise what I am and what I want." - Gustav Klimt
"What is life, but a series of inspired follies? - George Bernard Shaw Via
"...where you are today is more awesome and amazing than you probably realize." - TU
"Mapping is a language which cannot be replaced by another language. I don’t know what to say about what I map, really." - R.B.Wild (after Balthus)
"If the image is in a certain manner the limit of meaning, it permits the consideration of a veritable ontology of the process of signification. How does meaning get into the image? Where does it end? And if it ends, what is there beyond?” - Barthes, “Rhetoric of the Image”

22 January 2010

Taxonomy of Learning Theories

(Flickr Set) Information Design

Design patterns (Grouped into 6 ‘lenses’ giving different perspectives)

How to turn a sphere inside-out

Single-celled creature without any nervous system (and thus intelligence in the classical sense), can provide an efficient solution to a routing problem.

arxiv.org/abs/0911.2390: How creative should creators be to optimize the evolution of ideas? Via

Radical Cartographers : http://www.an-atlas.com/bios.htm

http://www.grungetextures.com/ (Brown Paper Paper & Cardboard)

(Chapter Summaries) "The Art of Buying Art"

Top Nuit Blanche picks

"When subject matter is a little more remote and hard won, we contemplate and absorb more..." - Robert Genn
"Philosophy of science is about as useful to scientists as ornithology is to birds." - Richard Feynman (
"Observe customers in action. Trust what you see, not what they articulate or verbalize." - Scott Cook (Intuit) Via dharmesh
"..rarely do you know how good you have it, until you see it in the rear-view mirror." - TU
"What I'm attempting in each picture is nothing other than this.. to bring together in a living and viable way, the most different and the most contradictory elements in the greatest possible freedom." - Richter

21 January 2010

Subsumption Theory (David Ausubel) proposes that learning involves the linking of new information to relevant points in the learner’s existing cognitive structure. Via

( Timeline) Pink Floyd (Band Members)

Visual Editors

The Human Feed: How People Filter Signal From Noise

The 'seven deadly sins' of e-learning


The longest straight line that traverses America

Science Art Nomadic Academy

Best New Art Galleries in Toronto

[Pic] City made of staples

"...while credit often goes to the loudest self-promoters, invention is most often the result of a collection of related work in a community of practitioners." - Priya Ganapati (Wired, December 18, 2009 Via)
"I'd rather it took over me than I took over it." - Myfanwy Pavelic, Canadian portraitist
"There is only one valuable thing in art: it's the thing you cannot explain." -Braque
"Sometimes success is better measured in smiles received, giggles heard, and hands held, than in dollars earned, deadlines met, and kilos shed." - TU
"After more and more blind activity, one gets a highly engineered complex structure that *does* amazing stuff." - Via

20 January 2010


Complex 248-dimensional symmetry called E8. The dimensions in the structure are not necessarily spatial (like the three dimensions we live in), but they correspond to mathematical degrees of freedom, where each dimension represents a different variable. Via

Lure of the Labyrinth : free online game that teaches arith­metic and algebra

Demand Media mines nearly a terabyte of search data, Internet traffic patterns, and keyword rates to determine what users want to know (and how much advertisers will pay to appear next to the answers).

Google Docs : place where you can upload and access your key 250 MB files online.

Visual Thinking Archive

The Role of Ritual In Innovation

(Manipulating Photos or) The Power of Crop

(With its conception in the Romantic movement) the Wanderer, traveling on foot, sometimes without a particular goal, has been the subject of many literary, musical, and visual art works.>For artists and intellectuals identifying with the Wanderer, the motif has represented, literally and figuratively, the individual’s inward quest...)

International Digital Art

"The composition is the organized sum of the interior functions of every part of the work." - Wassily Kandinsky
"All you need is just to be silent and listen to existence." - Osho (RT@purelovenergy)
"In a cut-and-paste world, people who create something new every time are more interesting and more valuable than people who don't." - Michael Fienen
"If you can't paint, paint big." - Audrey Flack, photorealist and sculptor
"There is nothing, ever, worth being unhappy about (because no matter what happens, it will add to you, you'll still live...)." - TU

19 January 2010

Semantic Space Construction Process for Mathematical Model of Meaning

Geometric Visual Hallucination

Hand-cut Map

Visualizing the Underwear Bomber’s Online Life


Blazers of the Trail

(Definition) "pictorial superiority effect" (PSE) : the more visual the input becomes, the more likely it is to be recognized—and recalled. Via

Help for understanding war

The Future of ShContemporary Art

(Great movie) "Man on Wire"

"I like an escalator because an escalator can never break, it can only become stairs." - Mitch Hedberg Via mindmapdrawer
"I found a map and traced a road to the past." - Via
"If you want to help poor artists, demonstrate to them that they can become rich; prove it by becoming a rich artist yourself." - R.B. Wild (after Wallance D Wattles)
"The purpose of visualization is insight, not pictures."- Ben Shneiderman (1999)
"I see Every thing I paint In This World, but Every body does not see alike." - William Blake

18 January 2010

Russian Google Maps Mashups Round-Up

(Timeline) Major Events & Trends
(from 1750 to 2100)

Tube map as an infographic style (getting old?)

(Video) We need to get the overall gist of something before we can attend to the details.

Interpreting Visual Grammar

Judging the Book: Most Captivating Covers of All Time

Fractals With Apophysis Via

(Twitter) #visualfacilitation

(Definition) 'marchland' - district consisting of the area on either side of a border or boundary of a country or an area. a border zone or frontier, where one' rhetorical territory is disrupted to the point where it can no longer be navigated with ease or self-assurance.

In young healthy volunteers, fast bandaid removal caused less pain than slow bandaid removal.

"As we grow, QUESTIONS are replaced by LABELS." - mindmapdrawer (RT @justaction)
What is essential, is invisible to the eye." - The Little Prince (quote)
"The Moon ain't romantic. It's intimidating as Hell." -Tom Waits
"Surrender to the magic (that's why it's there ... that's why you're there)..." - TU
"If you die in an elevator, be sure to press the 'Up' button." - Sam Levenson

15 January 2010


Some ideas for visualizing knowledge

(Interactive) Periodic Table of Elements

Bridging the Divide Between Training and Information Technology

Isogonal Polygon Orbit Trap - Fractal

A Pinch Of Science, A Dash of Art

Arshile Gorky: The Shape Shifter


Key findings of .ca consultation : www.cira.ca/whois

00's In Visual Art - A Decade Passed By

"If the highest aim of a captain were to preserve his ship, he would keep it in port forever." - Saint Thomas Aquinas
"A quick sketch is better than a long speech." - R.B. Wild (after Napoleon Bonaparte attributed)
"What you see in yourself is what you see in the world." - Afghani proverb
"After Monday and Tuesday even the calendar says W T F (?)" - Fact of Life
"Life isn't supposed to be all 'cakewalk' and no 'baking' (especially not for those who like to experiment, take risks, and be surprised)." - The Universe

14 January 2010

In 2010 : Hello! Maps! (Demand Content And Delivery)

Front End Concerns When Implementing Faceted Search

Visual Literacy Research

Relive the Decade (One photo per month, from 2000 to 2009)

Whatever happened to Second Life?

UPmap movie idea (between 11 - 18 sec marks)


PI's Neil Turok's Next Einstein project

(Contemporary Artist) Franz Ackermann

"May you live every day of your life." - Jonathan Swift (RT @danielscocco)
"We are created creative, and can invent new scenarios as frequently as they are needed." - Maya Angelou
"I draw to discover what I think." - R.B.Wild (after Joan Didion)
"Millions saw the apple fall, but Newton was the one who asked why." - Bernard M. Baruch (adviser to US presidents)
"Each moment is a place you've never been." - Mark Strand

13 January 2010

Advanced Visualization will continue to increase in depth and relevance to broader audiences. Via

(Video) Best PsychoGeographic Visuals (click for HD)

Sierpinski-Menger Sponge Code

When Minimalism Backfires: When Too Little Is Not Enough

(Project) Encyclopedia of Life

(Microsoft Answers forum) TechSupport Marketplace : Independent experts will bid for a chance to help users fix their tech support problems (kind of like an eBay for tech support).

Amazing Scientific Images

(Michel Foucault) "Of Other Spaces" (1967), Heterotopias

Canadian Art's Year in Review

Ways to Extend (Mouse) Life Span

"Hey look.... the moon!" - Thanksgiving Girl, CA
"When you accept what is, every moment is the best moment." - Eckhart Tolle (via mindmapdrawer)
"Learn as much by drawing as by reading." - R.B.Wild (after Lord Acton)
"How can we live in harmony? First we need to know we are all madly in love with the same God." - Saint Thomas Aquinas
"Men who never get carried away should be." - Malcolm S. Forbes

12 January 2010

Trend map for 2010" (and out to 2050)

The Neuroscience of Screwing Up : (... the mechanics of discovery, diversity and valuing outsiders)


(Video) Copyright versus Universal Access to All Human Knowledge (low cost collaboration leads to weirder, more interesting, and more inspiring things than anything else we know today)

(Interview) Manuel Lima of Visual Complexity

"data vis & sim" Art

The Seduction of the Brain Picture

The Seven Ancient Wonders of the World

(Definition) "art brut" : outsider art (the most popular term), folk art, naive art, visionary art, (and occasionally, 'Sunday painting').

35 Ways Behavior Can Change : http://behaviorgrid.org/

"He who is outside his door has the hardest part of his journey behind him." - Dutch Proverb
"We have nothing to be disappointed about. We put Foggy Bottom on the map." - Danilo Pinnock
"Truth be told, it takes so very, very little to be happy." - TU
"Dreamers of dreams may be pathfinders; but they may be mere vagrants. Of those who depart from the pavements, only a few are explorers: the rest are mere jaywalkers." - Gilbert Ryle
"Writing about art is like dancing about architecture." - R.B. Wild (after Old Saw)

11 January 2010

Voyage Turns Your Firefox History into a Visual Map

Writing for Visual Thinkers

(Zoom Video) The Known Universe

Professor rails against depictions of 'unnatural' snowflakes that lack hexagonal symmetry

Online Stereogram Generator 2 Via

(Video) Technology Decade Recap in 3 minutes


(Exhibit) Ayahuasca Visions" Sacred Art From the Amazon( by (Pablo Amaringo)

Demotivational Poster (Maker)

(Definition) "remarque" (or 'artist's mark') is a small, personalized drawing, thumb print or symbol that an artist adds to a print. Originally, remarques were made, in pencil by the artist approving the quality of the print and identifying the various stages of the printing process.
A remarque, usually an original pencil drawing is a 'value- added' option for print collectors, in effect making an original out of a reproduction (increasing the print's value). Via

"When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be." - Lao Tzu Via
"Given an equal amount of intelligence, timidity will cause a thousand times more problems than audacity." - Carl von Clausewitz (1780-1831)
"I could drive to Fort Lauderdale without a map, but it's easier if I have one." - Clay Shaw
"Maps are like finger prints: they reveal as much about the artist who created them as they do about the geography of the places they describe." - R.B.Wild (after Vincent Virga)
"There is no there there." - Gertrude Stein

08 January 2010


Agile Learning Table

(Strengths / Weaknesses of) Mind Mapping Software Applications

(Animation) Ships Crossing the Channel (from above)

Visualizing Prime Numbers = Primal Chaos

(PROCESSING) Hold down the left mouse button and drag around to draw random coloured triangles

Single Huge Screen or Multiple Smaller Displays?

Not Giving a Damn Maximizes Your Creativity


ToothPick Art

"Just because you've previously brought the mystery to a satisfactory conclusion does not mean the file has been forever closed." - Robert Genn
"In my writing I am acting as a map maker, an explorer of psychic areas . . . a cosmonaut of inner space, and I see no point in exploring areas that have already been thoroughly surveyed." - William S. Burroughs
"Be neither a conformist or a rebel, for they are really the same thing. Find your own path, and stay on it." - Paul Vixie
"...the happier you are, the less you need easy." - TU
"Organic planning does not begin with a preconceived goal; it moves from need to need, from opportunity to opportunity, in a series of adaptations that themselves become increasingly coherent and purposeful, so that they generate a complex final design, hardly less unified than a pre-formed geometric pattern." - Lewis Mumford (explained what he admired in medieval cities)

07 January 2010

Global visualization lab creates world of opportunities for scientists

World's Largest Hand-Drawn Conference Mind Map (and probably this was the first web-enabled? and conference map)


Slideshow exploring creative innovative modes of visual communication of information

The Mobius Strip : A Gateway to Higher Dimensions

Freelance Data Visualization Designer/Consultants

(Limited Edition Print) Map Language #4

3D Stereogram Images

David Thompson (explorer): "greatest land geographer who ever lived."

(Videos) Tom Cruise in Tropic Thunder

"The science of mapmaking is still alive, but we’ve lost the art." - Vincent Virga, Cartographia Via
"If you get far enough away, you'll be on your way back home." - Tom Waits
"Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough." - Oprah Winfrey
"I probably wasn't smarter than the other kids, but the whole education system fit my learning style better than theirs." - R.B. Wild
"Make a path, don't follow one." - TheHappySelf

06 January 2010

VisualEyes : http://www.viseyes.org/ makes it easy to construct complex queries about events, weaving maps, timelines, and data visualizations

EpidemicMap Via

Mind Maps : There's something happening here, but you don't know what it is...

Revisit The Berlin Wall (In Twinity)

(Word cloud) FDR's Inaugural Address

Saturn's Mysterious Giant Hexagon

Where to Find the Best Quotes on Twitter

Mark Twain Prize honoring George Carlin

Another Digital Montage Artist : Jon Barwick http://jonbarwick.com/

Sri Lanka model’ for Israel/Palestine (?)

"Finding a new map in the brain is a truly exciting experience. It's a little like traveling to an unexplored island. It's literally charting new territory." - Christopher Moore
"Objects are what matter. Only they carry the evidence that throughout the centuries something really happened among human beings." - Claude Lévi-Strauss (1908-2009)
"What I have to say about this map can be found on the map." - R.B.Wild (after Albert Einstein)
"... as soon as everything is important, nothing is important." - The Tyranny of the Explicit
"The more I want to get something done, the less I call it work." - Richard Bach

05 January 2010

Navigation App Waze (makes Crowdsourced Map-Building a game)

Information Visualization Manifesto

(Animated) Unemployment Map ('boom,boom....out go the lights')

360' VideoStreetView Maps

A realtime Mandelbrot zoomer

Grid Systems /Layout Generators ...

Create a mind map (from the key content that you will explore during the course), to show learners where they are now and where they are going.

TV Archival Mashup

Artists experiment with augmented reality

(Free) Upgrade to the speediest, safest and most advanced Firefox yet

"There are two groups of people; those who divide people into two groups, and those who don’t." - Robert Benchley Via
"Cartography, the most seductive, the most deceiving, the most dangerous of professions." - R.B. Wild (after John Morley)
"Projected images tend to show where things are, not how things are." - Robert Genn
"...you'll look back on this life and be so flush with love and admiration for yourself, your journey, and who it made you, that you'll wonder how it could possibly have escaped you then." - TU
"It is absolutely art, because I put it there and said it was." - Joseph Steele, the Jean-Luc Godard of Tyneside Via

04 January 2010

Context and Culture of Knowledge Visualization : http://www.ibiblio.org/nmediac/summer2009/vis_conference.html (Notes on iV08, the 12th International Conference Information Visualization)

Mirror Globe (Map Of The World)

Tetrahedron : applications and uses

Google SketchUp capabilities

(Animated) Tweet effects

Surreal paintings

Selling Without Galleries

"Faithless is he that says farewell when the road darkens." - J. R. R. Tolkien (1892 -1973)
"Necessity may be the mother of invention, but play is certainly the father." - Roger von Oech Via
"The thing about Miracles-in-the-Making, is that they must be disguised amongst the plain and ordinary events of each day: until of course they come to pass (at which point the dreamer they had swirled around can comfortably be labeled lucky or blessed)." - TU
"Creativity flourishes from the focus of large blocks of uninterrupted time." - Ethos
"Maps drawn by the great geniuses are like wine. Unfortunately everybody drinks water." - R.B.Wild (after Mark Twain)