London Bomb Damage Map : photographs of all the old WW2 bomb damage.
Collection of visualizations and datasets : http:// (all freely available)
(Slideshow) Overlooked Features of Google Maps
The world's toughest math questions
Adobe Photoshop on the iPhone (Free)
Toronto Open Data Lab (launchs
On cartographers and neocartographers
Six-Word Memoirs
"In much of science and engineering, the most productive way to deal with a problem is to turn it into one that somebody else has either already solved or proven impossible." - Robert J. Lang (consultant specializing in the application of origami to engineering problems) Via
"Totally mad. Utter nonsense. But we'll do it because it's brilliant nonsense." - Douglas Adams
"Whoever undertakes to set himself up as judge in the field of truth and knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the Gods." - Einstein
"If you don't give yourself credit for all that's good in your life, how can you expect yourself to create more?" - TU
"What dreaming does is give us the fluidity to enter into other worlds by destroying our sense of knowing this world." - Carlos Castaneda