Vis 2.0 (Some patterns)
Interactive map of Linux kernel
Gasket & Sponge
"Survival of the fittest" evolved from a picture!
(Essay) Imaginary Maps, Global Solidarities
(Animation) Iraq Fatalities
(Voodoo = 'welling-up or 'possession', this 'fever in the heart of man', this spirit, this spell') Hoochie Coochie and the creative Spirit
(Facing Failure) A visit to Bethlehem
(Blog) Encaustic Artist
(Live) Before They Make Me Run (Recording)
"...And if you look closer still, you'll see all such things as proof of life's infinite grace." - TU
"Doing nothing to disturb the spontaneous flow of things." - Lao Tzu
"There's never any talent without a stain of madness ...." - Via
"Freedom of the press is only enjoyed by those who own one." - A.J. Liebling
"The purpose of life is not to be happy - but to matter, to be productive, to be useful, to have it make some difference that you have lived at all." - Leo Rosten
30 April 2009
29 April 2009
PearlTrees to “organize your web”.
Webdesign Timeline Archive :
Polyhedral Map Projections
Maker! : gives you the power to make stunning interactive maps with your own data.
The Science Co Map of Israel
Learning Ideas:
Demotivators® designs (so you can skip the delusions that motivational products induce.)
Making Sense Of Lost Online AdSense Revenues
(Manual) "How-to Refresh Yourself" Via Project blog:
"Our imagination is the only limit to what we can hope to have in the future." - Charles F. Kettering
"The truth is that our finest moments are most likely to occur when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or unfulfilled. For it is only in such moments, propelled by our discomfort, that we are likely to step out of our ruts and start searching for different ways or truer answers." - Scott Peck
"I am drawn to extremes." - Julia Davis
"Save the glorious details for visualizing (and getting excited about the big picture of your life), yet don't attach to those details or mistake them for what you really want." - TU
"They shall come to know good" - James Joyce, Finnegans Wake
Webdesign Timeline Archive :
Polyhedral Map Projections
Maker! : gives you the power to make stunning interactive maps with your own data.
The Science Co Map of Israel
Learning Ideas:
Demotivators® designs (so you can skip the delusions that motivational products induce.)
Making Sense Of Lost Online AdSense Revenues
(Manual) "How-to Refresh Yourself" Via Project blog:
"Our imagination is the only limit to what we can hope to have in the future." - Charles F. Kettering
"The truth is that our finest moments are most likely to occur when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or unfulfilled. For it is only in such moments, propelled by our discomfort, that we are likely to step out of our ruts and start searching for different ways or truer answers." - Scott Peck
"I am drawn to extremes." - Julia Davis
"Save the glorious details for visualizing (and getting excited about the big picture of your life), yet don't attach to those details or mistake them for what you really want." - TU
"They shall come to know good" - James Joyce, Finnegans Wake
28 April 2009
Notes from travelling in the visualization world
An Idea Map (of the Idea Mapping Book)
(Infographic) resembling a board game but in reality is a timeline. The same has been said about this map.
An Atlas of Radical Cartography includes politically engaged maps and texts from within the growing movement of cultural producers who have parallel or integrated activist practices.

Essays on Mathematical Topics
Victoria Vesna is a media artist whose work can be defined as 'experimental creative research that resides between disciplines and technologies'.
The Virtues of Being Unsettled
Tom Waits "Going Out West"
Highest profile reference yet (?)
"The information in any real situation is infinitely rich. There is more to see than anyone sees and more to know than anyone knows." - Ulrich Neisser, Psychologist, Cognition and Reality 1976 Via
"When we conquer without danger our triumph is without glory. " - Pierre Corneille, Le Cid (1637)French dramatist (1606 - 1684)
"I saw a man upon the stair, A little man who wasn't there. He wasn't there again today; Gee, I wish he'd go away." - Old folk-rhyme
"A formal education often gives artists a sense of entitlement that may hamper their access to or interest in the commercial gallery system." - Robert Genn
An Idea Map (of the Idea Mapping Book)
(Infographic) resembling a board game but in reality is a timeline. The same has been said about this map.
An Atlas of Radical Cartography includes politically engaged maps and texts from within the growing movement of cultural producers who have parallel or integrated activist practices.

Essays on Mathematical Topics
Victoria Vesna is a media artist whose work can be defined as 'experimental creative research that resides between disciplines and technologies'.
The Virtues of Being Unsettled
Tom Waits "Going Out West"
Highest profile reference yet (?)
"The information in any real situation is infinitely rich. There is more to see than anyone sees and more to know than anyone knows." - Ulrich Neisser, Psychologist, Cognition and Reality 1976 Via
"When we conquer without danger our triumph is without glory. " - Pierre Corneille, Le Cid (1637)French dramatist (1606 - 1684)
"I saw a man upon the stair, A little man who wasn't there. He wasn't there again today; Gee, I wish he'd go away." - Old folk-rhyme
"A formal education often gives artists a sense of entitlement that may hamper their access to or interest in the commercial gallery system." - Robert Genn
27 April 2009
Why Neogeographers aren't into design
(Update) Yahoo! Image Search (reminiscent of Visual Search Engines such as Searchme and Viewzi) Via
Visual Mind Map Guide to Twitter
What is a Knowledge Representation? Via
AGAINST MAPS (founded by and presented at) tries to understand the forces at work in urban space by abandoning the whole of the city to study the separate interlocking parts. Via
Time Travel : Metaphysical Moments in the Kings Chamber of the Great Pyramid

The arrival of fractal geometry, generative art, and its influence on science and architecture. (singer Thomas Mars appeared in karaoke scene in Lost in Translation)
Quote images
Collagist Angus Ferguson
"The state is concentric and the individual is eccentric." - James Joyce (justifying anarchism)
"Convinced myself, I seek not to convince." - Edgar Allan Poe (1809 - 1849), Berenice
"We, as a species, exist in a world in which exist a myriad of data points. Upon these matrices of points we superimpose a structure and the world makes sense to us. The pattern of the structure originates within our biological and sociological properties." - Persinger and Lafreniere, Space-Time Transients and Unusual Events Via
"Fake it until you make it." - Jazz musicians
"Roses are red, Violets are blue, You think this will rhyme, But it ain't gonna. " - Steve Alien
(Update) Yahoo! Image Search (reminiscent of Visual Search Engines such as Searchme and Viewzi) Via
Visual Mind Map Guide to Twitter
What is a Knowledge Representation? Via
AGAINST MAPS (founded by and presented at) tries to understand the forces at work in urban space by abandoning the whole of the city to study the separate interlocking parts. Via
Time Travel : Metaphysical Moments in the Kings Chamber of the Great Pyramid

The arrival of fractal geometry, generative art, and its influence on science and architecture. (singer Thomas Mars appeared in karaoke scene in Lost in Translation)
Quote images
Collagist Angus Ferguson
"The state is concentric and the individual is eccentric." - James Joyce (justifying anarchism)
"Convinced myself, I seek not to convince." - Edgar Allan Poe (1809 - 1849), Berenice
"We, as a species, exist in a world in which exist a myriad of data points. Upon these matrices of points we superimpose a structure and the world makes sense to us. The pattern of the structure originates within our biological and sociological properties." - Persinger and Lafreniere, Space-Time Transients and Unusual Events Via
"Fake it until you make it." - Jazz musicians
"Roses are red, Violets are blue, You think this will rhyme, But it ain't gonna. " - Steve Alien
24 April 2009
Mapping Stories: Why Do Geographers Make Maps? (Chris and Martin's most recent RGS Annual Conference session)
Back Scratching Map Via
No Two Easy Pieces, The iconographic impossibility of separate States for Israel and Palestine.
Everyone is Twittering (But Is Anyone Listening?)
The radical potentional of just wandering.
Art on glass
(Video trailer) 1909, The Year of the Poles
(Definition) 'Holotomial analysis' is a method for ordering complexity and for visualizing structural relations within intricate systems.
"I was born not knowing and have had only a little time to change that here and there." -
Richard Feynman (1918 - 1988), Letter to Armando Garcia J, December 11, 1985
"There’s never any talent without a stain of madness" - Jean Louis Trintignant
"As long as we have hope, we have direction, the energy to move, and the map to move by." - Hong Kong Proverb
"Highly educated artists may make art that is too sophisticated or esoteric for people to buy." - Robert Genn
"We are all giants, raised by pygmies, who have learned to walk with a perpetual mental crouch." - Robert Anton Wilson
Back Scratching Map Via
No Two Easy Pieces, The iconographic impossibility of separate States for Israel and Palestine.
Everyone is Twittering (But Is Anyone Listening?)
The radical potentional of just wandering.
Art on glass
(Video trailer) 1909, The Year of the Poles
(Definition) 'Holotomial analysis' is a method for ordering complexity and for visualizing structural relations within intricate systems.
"I was born not knowing and have had only a little time to change that here and there." -
Richard Feynman (1918 - 1988), Letter to Armando Garcia J, December 11, 1985
"There’s never any talent without a stain of madness" - Jean Louis Trintignant
"As long as we have hope, we have direction, the energy to move, and the map to move by." - Hong Kong Proverb
"Highly educated artists may make art that is too sophisticated or esoteric for people to buy." - Robert Genn
"We are all giants, raised by pygmies, who have learned to walk with a perpetual mental crouch." - Robert Anton Wilson
23 April 2009
Why Map? The Techno-epistemological outlook (by Richard Rogers)
Using the Second Life Grid at
(Two Levels of) Critique Against Maps
NHL Map Via
A Road Map For Time Travel
Africa's oldest map
(Forthcoming book) Ludic Cartography. Mapping GameSpaces
Tiny Bits of Art
Elvis Costello, I Want You to have one of these. SlideShow
(Definition) Chindōgu (珍道具 ?) is the Japanese art of inventing ingenious everyday gadgets that, on the face of it, seem like an ideal solution to a particular problem. However...
"But the past is the biggest country of all..." - Susan Sontag, On America
"I do not intend to spare myself, not to avoid emotions or difficulties. I don't care much whether I live a longer or shorter time... The world concerns me only in so far as I feel a certain debt toward it, because I have walked on this earth for thirty years, and out of gratitude I want to leave some souvenir." Vincent van Gogh
"To be creative, you do a lot of lateral thinking, your brain making connections between things that ordinarily don't go together." - Darla
"Keep your 'end results' general. Everything else is just a 'how'." - The Universe
"Who is the king of the U.K.? - R.B.Wild
Using the Second Life Grid at
(Two Levels of) Critique Against Maps
NHL Map Via
A Road Map For Time Travel
Africa's oldest map
(Forthcoming book) Ludic Cartography. Mapping GameSpaces
Tiny Bits of Art
Elvis Costello, I Want You to have one of these. SlideShow
(Definition) Chindōgu (珍道具 ?) is the Japanese art of inventing ingenious everyday gadgets that, on the face of it, seem like an ideal solution to a particular problem. However...
"But the past is the biggest country of all..." - Susan Sontag, On America
"I do not intend to spare myself, not to avoid emotions or difficulties. I don't care much whether I live a longer or shorter time... The world concerns me only in so far as I feel a certain debt toward it, because I have walked on this earth for thirty years, and out of gratitude I want to leave some souvenir." Vincent van Gogh
"To be creative, you do a lot of lateral thinking, your brain making connections between things that ordinarily don't go together." - Darla
"Keep your 'end results' general. Everything else is just a 'how'." - The Universe
"Who is the king of the U.K.? - R.B.Wild
22 April 2009
(Zoomable fractal) Map of data Pleasure and Pain (Video)
(Live) Shoe Sales Map
Buddhist monks create a map toward enlightenment
(Video) Descent into a Black Hole
(Book) The GEIST ATLAS of CANADA (Hours of cartological diversion for the whole family! )
Conferences/Journals to which Diagrammatic Reasoning papers are usually submitted.
(TED Talk) The New map for war and peace
Periodic Table of Typefaces lays out the top ranked type fonts. Via
10 Ways to Stay Creative While Exhausted
(Live) Shoe Sales Map
Buddhist monks create a map toward enlightenment
(Video) Descent into a Black Hole
(Book) The GEIST ATLAS of CANADA (Hours of cartological diversion for the whole family! )
Conferences/Journals to which Diagrammatic Reasoning papers are usually submitted.
(TED Talk) The New map for war and peace
Periodic Table of Typefaces lays out the top ranked type fonts. Via
10 Ways to Stay Creative While Exhausted
♫ Tom Waits – Way Down In The Hole play
(Definition) "Ludic" derives from Latin ludus, "play." It means literally 'playful', and refers to any philosophy where play is the prime purpose of life.
"We must see our uniqueness clearly and be prepared to go wherever it takes us." - Robert Genn
"Choose well." - Homer
"A duck's quack doesn't echo, and no one knows why." - adage
"An idea that is developed and put into action is more important than an idea that exists only as an idea." - Buddha
"For two months I have been filled with one mortal fear: that I am not the Kandinsky that I used to be." - R.B.Wild (after Paul Gauguin)
(Definition) "Ludic" derives from Latin ludus, "play." It means literally 'playful', and refers to any philosophy where play is the prime purpose of life.
"We must see our uniqueness clearly and be prepared to go wherever it takes us." - Robert Genn
"Choose well." - Homer
"A duck's quack doesn't echo, and no one knows why." - adage
"An idea that is developed and put into action is more important than an idea that exists only as an idea." - Buddha
"For two months I have been filled with one mortal fear: that I am not the Kandinsky that I used to be." - R.B.Wild (after Paul Gauguin)
21 April 2009
Arctic Map Plots New 'Gold Rush'
Knowledge Media Research Center
(Map) Off-leash Dogs (in Glen Eira). Via
Austin Taco Map
(Audio slideshow) The art of camouflage
Active Second Life Blogs, 2009
The Eight Irresistible Principles of Fun
Gilbert K. Chesterton Quotes
(Definition) Circumambulation" : walking around an object, person, or place in such a manner so as to encircle it (is one of the most common ritual practices found in both Buddhist and Hindu devotion).
Arcade Fire - Rebellion (Live)

"Architecture is nothing but the art of making ruins." - Paul Virilio
"He that gives good advice builds with one hand; he that gives good counsel and example, builds with both..." ~ Sir Francis Bacon (1561-1626) statesman, lawyer, philosopher
"Anyone who sticks to his game--any game--can fall into the trap of thinking he has an immutable system." - Robert Genn
"Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep." - Scott Adams
"When people cross disciplines, they can bring insights to old problems." - Lucy Sussex, Sunday Age
Knowledge Media Research Center
(Map) Off-leash Dogs (in Glen Eira). Via
Austin Taco Map
(Audio slideshow) The art of camouflage
Active Second Life Blogs, 2009
The Eight Irresistible Principles of Fun
Gilbert K. Chesterton Quotes
(Definition) Circumambulation" : walking around an object, person, or place in such a manner so as to encircle it (is one of the most common ritual practices found in both Buddhist and Hindu devotion).
Arcade Fire - Rebellion (Live)

"Architecture is nothing but the art of making ruins." - Paul Virilio
"He that gives good advice builds with one hand; he that gives good counsel and example, builds with both..." ~ Sir Francis Bacon (1561-1626) statesman, lawyer, philosopher
"Anyone who sticks to his game--any game--can fall into the trap of thinking he has an immutable system." - Robert Genn
"Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep." - Scott Adams
"When people cross disciplines, they can bring insights to old problems." - Lucy Sussex, Sunday Age
20 April 2009
IdeasProject (Nokia) drag map under the magnifying glass ?
(OpenStreetMap's annual conference) "The State of the Map" - covering all aspects of OpenStreetMap, from mapping, to cartography to hacking.
Anagram TTC Map Via
Map Definitions
(Animation) Map Animals
Showcase.09: Call for Entry
Some Thoughts on Ayahuasca (DMT) Art (video) Back to Visionary Arts Vault
(pdf Book) Prometheus Rising
(Definition video) 'tinkering' is a research methodology that consists of building things to see what happens. Via
(Video) Tom Waits Profile
"The past is it's own place. They do things differently there." - Via
"A man of genius makes no mistakes. His errors are volitional and portals of discovery." - James Joyce Via
"Venus is the only planet that rotates clockwise. (Since Venus is normally associated with women, does this mean that women are going the 'right' direction...?)" - spam mail
"Think about it (about 5 minutes a day, here and there, now and then.) - TU
"If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door." - Milton Berle
(OpenStreetMap's annual conference) "The State of the Map" - covering all aspects of OpenStreetMap, from mapping, to cartography to hacking.
Anagram TTC Map Via
Map Definitions
(Animation) Map Animals
Showcase.09: Call for Entry
Some Thoughts on Ayahuasca (DMT) Art (video) Back to Visionary Arts Vault
(pdf Book) Prometheus Rising
(Definition video) 'tinkering' is a research methodology that consists of building things to see what happens. Via
(Video) Tom Waits Profile
"The past is it's own place. They do things differently there." - Via
"A man of genius makes no mistakes. His errors are volitional and portals of discovery." - James Joyce Via
"Venus is the only planet that rotates clockwise. (Since Venus is normally associated with women, does this mean that women are going the 'right' direction...?)" - spam mail
"Think about it (about 5 minutes a day, here and there, now and then.) - TU
"If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door." - Milton Berle
17 April 2009
Map of Twitter Followers (will show only these followers from the last 100 who have set their locations on twitter).
The Map of Data
(Video) How to make an infographic
Digitised maps of the Netherlands (and locations related to the Dutch East India Company)
(Philosophy in the age of information) (includes Mortimer Adler)
Message-in-a-bottle Route Trace Via
(Conference) FITC Toronto 2009 - Presentations
Barbara Maria Stafford has consistently explored the intersections between the visual arts and the physical and biological sciences from the early modern to the contemporary era.
The Map of Data
(Video) How to make an infographic
Digitised maps of the Netherlands (and locations related to the Dutch East India Company)
(Philosophy in the age of information) (includes Mortimer Adler)
Message-in-a-bottle Route Trace Via
(Conference) FITC Toronto 2009 - Presentations
Barbara Maria Stafford has consistently explored the intersections between the visual arts and the physical and biological sciences from the early modern to the contemporary era.
(Video) Subway Art Gallery Opening
BLAME CANADA #south park
"Passion and gutsiness are the hallmarks of innovation." - Lynda Pogue
"Excuse me, but I don't think I noticed, 'do a little dance', on your to-do list (you do plan to dance today, don't you?)." - The Universe
"Drawing is the best way to talk without making any noise." - R.B.Wild (after Jules Renard)
"Media art, “the” contemporary art form, is still rarely collected by museums, not
accepted in a suitable manner and nearly inaccessible for the non north-western public." - attributed to Oliver Grau (Professor for image science at the Danube University Krems )
"We choose our joys and sorrows long before we experience them." - Kahlil Gibran
BLAME CANADA #south park
"Passion and gutsiness are the hallmarks of innovation." - Lynda Pogue
"Excuse me, but I don't think I noticed, 'do a little dance', on your to-do list (you do plan to dance today, don't you?)." - The Universe
"Drawing is the best way to talk without making any noise." - R.B.Wild (after Jules Renard)
"Media art, “the” contemporary art form, is still rarely collected by museums, not
accepted in a suitable manner and nearly inaccessible for the non north-western public." - attributed to Oliver Grau (Professor for image science at the Danube University Krems )
"We choose our joys and sorrows long before we experience them." - Kahlil Gibran
16 April 2009
Twit·ter·vi·sion a real-time animated geographical visualization Exploring creative innovative modes of visual communication of information
Find Your Tea Party Map
Residents challenge Google camera
(Boing Boing Video's Remix of) "RiP: A Remix Manifesto" (making long URLs usable)
Conficker (Virus) resource centre
(Sample publicity) Click to view video segment on (first minute)
(Music Video) David Bowie & The Arcade Fire - Wake Up (included in 'Where The Wild Things Are' movie trailer)
Can still get a visitor from a 5 year old credit
"Why is it that the inexperienced person finds it so difficult to draw what they see so clearly, while an artist is able to do so often just with a few lines, in a few seconds?" - AIKON (Autonomous/Artistic/IKONograph) Project
"We learn to a large extent by doing. Learning is active, exploratory, guided by interest." - Via
"These maps have a permanent effect on one's way of looking at things." - R.B.Wild
"People, when given a chance, smile, skip, and dance. They create, play, and laugh. They care, share, and love (and the ones who don't, haven't yet realized that chances are something you give yourself)." - The Universe
"The map does not reproduce the unconscious closed in upon itself; it constructs the unconscious." - Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari, A Thousand Plateaus Exploring creative innovative modes of visual communication of information
Find Your Tea Party Map
Residents challenge Google camera
(Boing Boing Video's Remix of) "RiP: A Remix Manifesto" (making long URLs usable)
Conficker (Virus) resource centre
(Sample publicity) Click to view video segment on (first minute)
(Music Video) David Bowie & The Arcade Fire - Wake Up (included in 'Where The Wild Things Are' movie trailer)
Can still get a visitor from a 5 year old credit
"Why is it that the inexperienced person finds it so difficult to draw what they see so clearly, while an artist is able to do so often just with a few lines, in a few seconds?" - AIKON (Autonomous/Artistic/IKONograph) Project
"We learn to a large extent by doing. Learning is active, exploratory, guided by interest." - Via
"These maps have a permanent effect on one's way of looking at things." - R.B.Wild
"People, when given a chance, smile, skip, and dance. They create, play, and laugh. They care, share, and love (and the ones who don't, haven't yet realized that chances are something you give yourself)." - The Universe
"The map does not reproduce the unconscious closed in upon itself; it constructs the unconscious." - Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari, A Thousand Plateaus
15 April 2009
eyePlorer :
("Flexplearn") FLexible EXPloratory LEARNing uses Topic Maps to orient and organize flexible and exploratory learning.
Can OpenSim Worlds Scale Better Than Second Life?
The Secrets of Using Colors in Maps fronts 17 search engines
(IO conference) Video Highlights
(Kanarinka's book of definitions) 42 or 363 Definitions of Cartography
(Data mining technique? = "visibility warning") If you send a Facebook message (response), you will give receiver permission to view your list of friends, as well as your Basic, Work and Education info for one month.
Virus Encyclopedia: TrojanDownloader:Win32/Renos.FH
(Definition) 'C-Print' = Chromagenic Print : a colour print made from a colour transparency or negative, in which the print material has at least three emulsion layers of silver salts (sensitized to one of the three primary colours). Also 'Chromogenic' And
"In painting, as in everything else, there is a fatal tendency to become accustomed to one's faults." - John Collier, 1850-1934
"If an image is hung on a wall, and there is no one around to notice, can it still revolutionize the contemporary art world?" - R.B.Wild (after age-old 'falling tree sound' question)
"... one should never underestimate the profound resiliency of the human spirit, nor how swiftly things can change for the better - often overnight. - The Universe
"Creativity is about making connections." - Dave Allen, WhatIf founder (in his book on creativity, Sticky Wisdom)
"...true art must work with religion and science as a force for the advancement of mankind." - Leo Tolstoy (in What Is Art? )
("Flexplearn") FLexible EXPloratory LEARNing uses Topic Maps to orient and organize flexible and exploratory learning.
Can OpenSim Worlds Scale Better Than Second Life?
The Secrets of Using Colors in Maps fronts 17 search engines
(IO conference) Video Highlights
(Kanarinka's book of definitions) 42 or 363 Definitions of Cartography
(Data mining technique? = "visibility warning") If you send a Facebook message (response), you will give receiver permission to view your list of friends, as well as your Basic, Work and Education info for one month.
Virus Encyclopedia: TrojanDownloader:Win32/Renos.FH
(Definition) 'C-Print' = Chromagenic Print : a colour print made from a colour transparency or negative, in which the print material has at least three emulsion layers of silver salts (sensitized to one of the three primary colours). Also 'Chromogenic' And
"In painting, as in everything else, there is a fatal tendency to become accustomed to one's faults." - John Collier, 1850-1934
"If an image is hung on a wall, and there is no one around to notice, can it still revolutionize the contemporary art world?" - R.B.Wild (after age-old 'falling tree sound' question)
"... one should never underestimate the profound resiliency of the human spirit, nor how swiftly things can change for the better - often overnight. - The Universe
"Creativity is about making connections." - Dave Allen, WhatIf founder (in his book on creativity, Sticky Wisdom)
"...true art must work with religion and science as a force for the advancement of mankind." - Leo Tolstoy (in What Is Art? )
14 April 2009
Visibuild Imports Sketchup Files into OpenSim World Via
(Family) Pirate Treasure Game
FlexMappers: (the Interactive Map Developers)
Mind Map Library : (1000s of MindMaps.) Upload yours!
(CFC-funded) Interactive Projects
(Tutorials) About image slicing - How to slice image - How to create rollover images - About image maps - How to create an image map - How to optimize complex images
Photography Business Card Ideas create an online magazine and collaborate with friends.
The Artist's Way Meetup
(Geo facts) Canada has more lakes than the rest of the world combined. There are no natural lakes in the state of Ohio , every one is man made.
"The days come and go like muffled and veiled figures sent from a distant friendly party, but they say nothing, and if we do not use the gifts they bring, they carry them silently away." - Ralph Waldo Emerson (journal entry, May 1847)
"Have you stopped to consider that it's life's "disconnects, almosts, and not quites", that make life's "connections," "gotchas," and "eurekas" so fantastically romantic?" - The Universe
"Sketches are not precious, and can destroyed to make room for more ideas." - Riaz
"Or don't you like to write blog entries. I do because it's such a swell way to keep from working, and yet feel you've done something." - R.B.Wild (after Ernest Hemingway)
"It’s not about the world of design. It’s about the design of the world." - Mau et al., 2005. Via
(Family) Pirate Treasure Game
FlexMappers: (the Interactive Map Developers)
Mind Map Library : (1000s of MindMaps.) Upload yours!
(CFC-funded) Interactive Projects
(Tutorials) About image slicing - How to slice image - How to create rollover images - About image maps - How to create an image map - How to optimize complex images
Photography Business Card Ideas create an online magazine and collaborate with friends.
The Artist's Way Meetup
(Geo facts) Canada has more lakes than the rest of the world combined. There are no natural lakes in the state of Ohio , every one is man made.
"The days come and go like muffled and veiled figures sent from a distant friendly party, but they say nothing, and if we do not use the gifts they bring, they carry them silently away." - Ralph Waldo Emerson (journal entry, May 1847)
"Have you stopped to consider that it's life's "disconnects, almosts, and not quites", that make life's "connections," "gotchas," and "eurekas" so fantastically romantic?" - The Universe
"Sketches are not precious, and can destroyed to make room for more ideas." - Riaz
"Or don't you like to write blog entries. I do because it's such a swell way to keep from working, and yet feel you've done something." - R.B.Wild (after Ernest Hemingway)
"It’s not about the world of design. It’s about the design of the world." - Mau et al., 2005. Via
13 April 2009
Research and Development Agenda for Visual Analytics (Nine-minute movie)
(Mash-up) PadMapper - Map-Based Craigslist Apartment Search
(Infographic video) Little Red Riding Hood
Altea Gallery : specialist dealer in Antique Maps, Sea Charts, Town Plans, Atlases, & Antique Globes (We do not sell reproductions, all our maps are at least 100 years old).
Brain's Amazing Right Side
(Example) scientific artist's statement
Map artist
(Definition) 'wabi-sabi' ; all things expose their true beauty once they have succumbed to time and the elements.
Another typical Flickr 'Contact' (?) add (rarely reciprocated)
"Never underestimate, how many friends you have, how close you are, and how much fun you're going to have (because one usually gets exactly what they've been estimating)." - The Universe
"Always Lead ... Never Follow" - adage
"The key to successfully keeping treasure out of the hands of those other pirates is to pretend you know nothing." - Alison Whittington
"There must be an awakening to the crisis, followed by action." - W Edwards Deming
"It's the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting." - Paulo Coelho
(Mash-up) PadMapper - Map-Based Craigslist Apartment Search
(Infographic video) Little Red Riding Hood
Altea Gallery : specialist dealer in Antique Maps, Sea Charts, Town Plans, Atlases, & Antique Globes (We do not sell reproductions, all our maps are at least 100 years old).
Brain's Amazing Right Side
(Example) scientific artist's statement
Map artist
(Definition) 'wabi-sabi' ; all things expose their true beauty once they have succumbed to time and the elements.
Another typical Flickr 'Contact' (?) add (rarely reciprocated)
"Never underestimate, how many friends you have, how close you are, and how much fun you're going to have (because one usually gets exactly what they've been estimating)." - The Universe
"Always Lead ... Never Follow" - adage
"The key to successfully keeping treasure out of the hands of those other pirates is to pretend you know nothing." - Alison Whittington
"There must be an awakening to the crisis, followed by action." - W Edwards Deming
"It's the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting." - Paulo Coelho
10 April 2009
oSkope - Highly Intuitive Visual Search (by Chris Dalia)
A Map of Wine and Food Via
How we see the world
The Road Not Taken
SL Blogroll (Right column)
(10 tips for) Facebook power users
Turbulent Landscapes: is the result of 13 artists' explorations of complexity in nature.
(Music video) the Klezmatics performance of Holy Ground.
Listed? in (m_everitt's) information_design Bookmarks
(Definition) 'Canada' is an Indian word meaning "Big Village".
"There is a road from the eye to heart that does not go through the intellect." - G. K. Chesterton
"You cannot prevent and prepare for war at the same time." - Albert Einstein
"I find that a great part of the information I have was acquired by looking up something and finding something else on the way." - Franklin P. Adams
"... no heart has ever suffered when it goes in search of its dreams, because every second of search is a second's encounter with God and with eternity." - Paulo Coelho
"We are what we repeatedly do." - Aristotle
A Map of Wine and Food Via
How we see the world
The Road Not Taken
SL Blogroll (Right column)
(10 tips for) Facebook power users
Turbulent Landscapes: is the result of 13 artists' explorations of complexity in nature.
(Music video) the Klezmatics performance of Holy Ground.
Listed? in (m_everitt's) information_design Bookmarks
(Definition) 'Canada' is an Indian word meaning "Big Village".
"There is a road from the eye to heart that does not go through the intellect." - G. K. Chesterton
"You cannot prevent and prepare for war at the same time." - Albert Einstein
"I find that a great part of the information I have was acquired by looking up something and finding something else on the way." - Franklin P. Adams
"... no heart has ever suffered when it goes in search of its dreams, because every second of search is a second's encounter with God and with eternity." - Paulo Coelho
"We are what we repeatedly do." - Aristotle
09 April 2009
(A new paradigm for using computers and the web) WolframAlpha Is Coming! (Demonstrations Milestones)
Virtual learning: (More than a Second Life)
(Map) Thirteen United States (settled by the Treaty of 1783) Via
The story of rebuilding the original Canadian GIS
(Podcast) A New Map of the Geospatial Marketplace
China Image-links
Jim Groom, Edupunk >
Fabbing and Digital Art
(Definition) 'Syncretic', adjective: Uniting and blending together different systems, as of philosophy, morals, or religion, especially when the result is heterogeneous (from Greek sunkretizein: 'to unite against a common enemy, in the manner of the Cretan cities')
(NYC) There are more Irish in New York City than in Dublin , Ireland ; more Italians in New York City than in Rome , Italy ; and more Jews in New York City than in Tel Aviv, Israel .
"War is only a cowardly escape from the problems of peace." - Thomas Mann Via
"My art is better than it looks." - R.B.Wild (after Edgar Wilson Nye)
"... there is simply no change that might ever transpire in time and space that happens before you're fully able to use it for your own growth and glory.(So hey, you may as well just act like you had personally requested it, and soar. Because, truthfully, you did, and, honestly, you can.)" - The Universe
"Never argue with a hunch." - Inspirational verses Motivational
"The world is a tragedy to those who feel, but a comedy to those who think."- Horace Walpole
Virtual learning: (More than a Second Life)
(Map) Thirteen United States (settled by the Treaty of 1783) Via
The story of rebuilding the original Canadian GIS
(Podcast) A New Map of the Geospatial Marketplace
China Image-links
Jim Groom, Edupunk >
Fabbing and Digital Art
(Definition) 'Syncretic', adjective: Uniting and blending together different systems, as of philosophy, morals, or religion, especially when the result is heterogeneous (from Greek sunkretizein: 'to unite against a common enemy, in the manner of the Cretan cities')
(NYC) There are more Irish in New York City than in Dublin , Ireland ; more Italians in New York City than in Rome , Italy ; and more Jews in New York City than in Tel Aviv, Israel .
"War is only a cowardly escape from the problems of peace." - Thomas Mann Via
"My art is better than it looks." - R.B.Wild (after Edgar Wilson Nye)
"... there is simply no change that might ever transpire in time and space that happens before you're fully able to use it for your own growth and glory.(So hey, you may as well just act like you had personally requested it, and soar. Because, truthfully, you did, and, honestly, you can.)" - The Universe
"Never argue with a hunch." - Inspirational verses Motivational
"The world is a tragedy to those who feel, but a comedy to those who think."- Horace Walpole
08 April 2009 is a collaborative, interactive, web site devoted to improving our understanding of how spatial thinking contributes to science and society.
Experimenting with Doodle-Buzz (experimental interface that allows you to create typographic maps of current news stories). Via
Flickr OpenSim group
(Conference) Art and Science: exploring the limits of human perception
Brain correlates of musical improvisation
Top Toronto Blogs
Video editing made easy (and cheap)
Emma McNally : London based artist/ contemporary (cartography inspired) drawings
(Definition) 'Polyscopy' : (very roughly and metaphorically means) "looking from a mountain top" in order to see which way to go. In education, that means that we motivate our learning and exploration by some basic high-level insights (for ex. what information design is really all about) and we then learn what we feel is most relevant for the task.
WildMaps reminded TAP patron of this movie.
"You don't have to get things right, just get things going." - Inspirational verses Motivational
"No object is mysterious. The mystery is in your eye." - Elizabeth Bowen
"Feel the smile stretching across your face, notice the lightness in your step, hear the sparkle in your voice, and all things, material and spiritual, will dance to the beat of your drums." - The Universe
"I think war might be God's way of teaching us geography." - Paul Rodriguez
"Real art speaks to successive generations." - Charles Schultz (from Charlie Rose interview)
Experimenting with Doodle-Buzz (experimental interface that allows you to create typographic maps of current news stories). Via
Flickr OpenSim group
(Conference) Art and Science: exploring the limits of human perception
Brain correlates of musical improvisation
Top Toronto Blogs
Video editing made easy (and cheap)
Emma McNally : London based artist/ contemporary (cartography inspired) drawings
(Definition) 'Polyscopy' : (very roughly and metaphorically means) "looking from a mountain top" in order to see which way to go. In education, that means that we motivate our learning and exploration by some basic high-level insights (for ex. what information design is really all about) and we then learn what we feel is most relevant for the task.
WildMaps reminded TAP patron of this movie.
"You don't have to get things right, just get things going." - Inspirational verses Motivational
"No object is mysterious. The mystery is in your eye." - Elizabeth Bowen
"Feel the smile stretching across your face, notice the lightness in your step, hear the sparkle in your voice, and all things, material and spiritual, will dance to the beat of your drums." - The Universe
"I think war might be God's way of teaching us geography." - Paul Rodriguez
"Real art speaks to successive generations." - Charles Schultz (from Charlie Rose interview)
07 April 2009
(New visual search engine) (for Wikipedia content). Also comes with handy notepad feature.
Fractal Dimension and Self Similarity
Tornadoes Map Via
CherryWatch Map (Blossom Status)
Infographic Takes Apart the $819 billion Stimulus Package (by Dorian Taylor)
BlogTalkRadio is a provider of thousands of internet talk radio shows (and archived shows are produced by anyone that wants to be an internet radio host).
Information Design Course
The Wrap-Around-the-Corner Frame
(VIDEO PORTRAIT) Serge Tousignant (French Canadian Artist)
Lila (is Sanskrit for ‘Cosmic Play’, the universe experienced as arising from the joyous love play and creative adventures of the Divine): Visionary Art and Shamanism (artists and authors exploring sacred art, visionary art, outsider art, and new fusions.)
"Lettin' the cat outta the bag is a whole lot easier than puttin' it back in." - Farmboy Quote
"In nature nothing exists alone." - Rachel Carson
"Our drawing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - R.B.Wild (after Nietzsche)
"If you look closely enough, intent upon understanding those things that cause you great pain and consternation, ultimately you'll find great joy and illumination. Take the bait." - The Universe
"Part of being sane, is being a little bit crazy."- Janet Long
Fractal Dimension and Self Similarity
Tornadoes Map Via
CherryWatch Map (Blossom Status)
Infographic Takes Apart the $819 billion Stimulus Package (by Dorian Taylor)
BlogTalkRadio is a provider of thousands of internet talk radio shows (and archived shows are produced by anyone that wants to be an internet radio host).
Information Design Course
The Wrap-Around-the-Corner Frame
(VIDEO PORTRAIT) Serge Tousignant (French Canadian Artist)
Lila (is Sanskrit for ‘Cosmic Play’, the universe experienced as arising from the joyous love play and creative adventures of the Divine): Visionary Art and Shamanism (artists and authors exploring sacred art, visionary art, outsider art, and new fusions.)
"Lettin' the cat outta the bag is a whole lot easier than puttin' it back in." - Farmboy Quote
"In nature nothing exists alone." - Rachel Carson
"Our drawing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts." - R.B.Wild (after Nietzsche)
"If you look closely enough, intent upon understanding those things that cause you great pain and consternation, ultimately you'll find great joy and illumination. Take the bait." - The Universe
"Part of being sane, is being a little bit crazy."- Janet Long
06 April 2009
Visuwords™: online graphical dictionary (produces diagrams reminiscent of a neural net).
Menger Sponge in Second Life (Produced by Paul Bourke February 2008)
(Google) Moderator
Top 25 Blogs in GIS, GeoWeb and Cartography
(Workshop) Visual Languages and Logic (VLL) Corvallis, OR, USA, 20 September, runs directly before the 2009 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human Centric Computing (
Networks in Art
On evolution of icons in graphical interfaces
(Award-winning documentary) "Between the Folds." (MIT's Erik Demaine received a MacArthur Fellowship for his work in computational origami). works across disciplines on a number of internationally acclaimed projects that have broken new ground in art, technology and science. Via
(Definition) 'palimpsest' : manuscript page from a scroll or book that has been scraped off and used again.
"There are images I need to complete my own reality." - Jim Morrison
"With Enough Courage You Can Do WithOut a Reputation..." - Via
"(Something that might add some sugar and spice to your daily comings and goings, would be to) constantly remind yourself 'I created this, because I wanted to.'" - The Universe
"Painting: The art of protecting flat surfaces from the weather and exposing them to the critic." - Ambrose Bierce
"Information Mapping is a new way to think." - Via
Menger Sponge in Second Life (Produced by Paul Bourke February 2008)
(Google) Moderator
Top 25 Blogs in GIS, GeoWeb and Cartography
(Workshop) Visual Languages and Logic (VLL) Corvallis, OR, USA, 20 September, runs directly before the 2009 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human Centric Computing (
Networks in Art
On evolution of icons in graphical interfaces
(Award-winning documentary) "Between the Folds." (MIT's Erik Demaine received a MacArthur Fellowship for his work in computational origami). works across disciplines on a number of internationally acclaimed projects that have broken new ground in art, technology and science. Via
(Definition) 'palimpsest' : manuscript page from a scroll or book that has been scraped off and used again.
"There are images I need to complete my own reality." - Jim Morrison
"With Enough Courage You Can Do WithOut a Reputation..." - Via
"(Something that might add some sugar and spice to your daily comings and goings, would be to) constantly remind yourself 'I created this, because I wanted to.'" - The Universe
"Painting: The art of protecting flat surfaces from the weather and exposing them to the critic." - Ambrose Bierce
"Information Mapping is a new way to think." - Via
03 April 2009
Representing geometry in SecondLife Via
Hyperspace Route Map
'Splatter v2' : <click to start> processing sketch
SXSW Interactive Panel: Neocartography (check for online video proceedings)
(Dan Roam) The 6x6 Model: Six Ways of Seeing = Six Ways of Showing
The Geography of Facebook
Does elearning have a future?
Explorations of public domain science/health images
SCOPE : is the largest global art fair in the world featuring emerging contemporary art (included Christopher Cutts Gallery Toronto who represents estates of the Painters 11 group :
"The best advice yet given is that you don't have to take it." - Libbie Fudim
"Appreciate that your child may be destined to be a middle-aged or senior prodigy." - R.B.Wild
"Women speak two languages - one of which is verbal." - William Shakespeare
" Proving yet again that nothing is meant to be, that you are truly unlimited, and that anything can happen next, if you choose it." - The Universe
"... if a picture is worth a thousand words, it’s worth more when an artist has something to say." - Brad Holland
Representing geometry in SecondLife Via
Hyperspace Route Map
'Splatter v2' : <click to start> processing sketch
SXSW Interactive Panel: Neocartography (check for online video proceedings)
(Dan Roam) The 6x6 Model: Six Ways of Seeing = Six Ways of Showing
The Geography of Facebook
Does elearning have a future?
Explorations of public domain science/health images
SCOPE : is the largest global art fair in the world featuring emerging contemporary art (included Christopher Cutts Gallery Toronto who represents estates of the Painters 11 group :
"The best advice yet given is that you don't have to take it." - Libbie Fudim
"Appreciate that your child may be destined to be a middle-aged or senior prodigy." - R.B.Wild
"Women speak two languages - one of which is verbal." - William Shakespeare
" Proving yet again that nothing is meant to be, that you are truly unlimited, and that anything can happen next, if you choose it." - The Universe
"... if a picture is worth a thousand words, it’s worth more when an artist has something to say." - Brad Holland
02 April 2009
Map of Visual Iconography from Understanding comics (McLoud) Via
Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy
Radical Cartographers
Infinite Sets (self-similar at all scales). Via
The Crisis of Credit Visualized Via
(Blog) Off the Map
Canadian Art Database Project
Mapish artist Steven Charles
Apparently people drinking 'Ayahuasca' (for spiritual exploration), generate imagery that's similiar to mine (direct, intense, content-laden, narrative, enormously detailed, personal, idiosyncratic, two-dimensional, and brightly colored.(?) Forums
Slate Art Guide
"I always? try never? to omit to mention, I am not a cartographer." - David Suter (artist)
"Who is the happiest of men? He who values the merits of others, and in their pleasure takes joy, even as though 'twere his own." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
"Haven't I always shown up with the right idea, at the right time, to spin your head and rock your world (when you least expected it?)" - TU
"Diagrams of one sort or another have always been used as aids to abstract reasoning ... many are informal mnemonics, reminding their authors about structures and relationships they have observed or deduced..." - Via
"If there's something that must be said, say it." - Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged
Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy
Radical Cartographers
Infinite Sets (self-similar at all scales). Via
The Crisis of Credit Visualized Via
(Blog) Off the Map
Canadian Art Database Project
Mapish artist Steven Charles
Apparently people drinking 'Ayahuasca' (for spiritual exploration), generate imagery that's similiar to mine (direct, intense, content-laden, narrative, enormously detailed, personal, idiosyncratic, two-dimensional, and brightly colored.(?) Forums
Slate Art Guide
"I always? try never? to omit to mention, I am not a cartographer." - David Suter (artist)
"Who is the happiest of men? He who values the merits of others, and in their pleasure takes joy, even as though 'twere his own." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
"Haven't I always shown up with the right idea, at the right time, to spin your head and rock your world (when you least expected it?)" - TU
"Diagrams of one sort or another have always been used as aids to abstract reasoning ... many are informal mnemonics, reminding their authors about structures and relationships they have observed or deduced..." - Via
"If there's something that must be said, say it." - Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged
01 April 2009
(YouTube Google Tech Talk) "Using KML for Thematic Mapping"
Exploring Mathematics (Through Quilts)
(Gamers) How do you create your maps?
(Design Brief) Stylistic Map Pin contest (held by Jerry the Pinhead) in the Button & Icon Design category, attracted 74+ entries.
(Comprehensive Illustrated Catalogue) Picasso
(Ted Talk) -A New Look At the Creative
Boston Cyberarts Festival : is the first and largest collaboration of artists working in new technologies in all media in North America (social network on Ning).
Unveil Your Life Purpose
The Futz was formed in 1995, by Scott Reynolds who is a songwriter/guitar player.
Referenced here (online-project-collaboration)
"...the use of the maps by the contemporary artists as a weapon against the established narratives and their traps, implicit and inherited." - publishers website, Contra el mapa Via
"Be confident enough about the quality of your work to allow people NOT to like it." - Sylvia White
"Don't wait for people to be friendly, show them how." - Author Unknown
"It is impossible to sell animal stories in the U.S.A." - From the rejection slip for George Orwell's Animal Farm
"...Until you dream, there isn't a mold. Until you speak, there isn't a promise. And until you move, there isn't a path..." - The Universe
Exploring Mathematics (Through Quilts)
(Gamers) How do you create your maps?
(Design Brief) Stylistic Map Pin contest (held by Jerry the Pinhead) in the Button & Icon Design category, attracted 74+ entries.
(Comprehensive Illustrated Catalogue) Picasso
(Ted Talk) -A New Look At the Creative
Boston Cyberarts Festival : is the first and largest collaboration of artists working in new technologies in all media in North America (social network on Ning).
Unveil Your Life Purpose
The Futz was formed in 1995, by Scott Reynolds who is a songwriter/guitar player.
Referenced here (online-project-collaboration)
"...the use of the maps by the contemporary artists as a weapon against the established narratives and their traps, implicit and inherited." - publishers website, Contra el mapa Via
"Be confident enough about the quality of your work to allow people NOT to like it." - Sylvia White
"Don't wait for people to be friendly, show them how." - Author Unknown
"It is impossible to sell animal stories in the U.S.A." - From the rejection slip for George Orwell's Animal Farm
"...Until you dream, there isn't a mold. Until you speak, there isn't a promise. And until you move, there isn't a path..." - The Universe
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