22 July 2004

GENERATIVE ART   http://www.generativeart.com/index.htm   ... • Web Art • Visual Grammar • Artificial Life •  Cellular Automata...

...the world of online collaboration is discovering what artists have always known: Rigid conventions are often crucial to producing art. Novels, poems, and oil paintings are really just structural devices that take an artist's zillion competing ideas—an internal, self-contradicting mob—and focus them into a coherent work. .. http://slate.msn.com/id/2104087/#ContinueArticle

Learning Maps allow all mangers at all hierarchical and experience levels to experiment with new knowledge and skills, discreetly discovering the fundamental knowledge they lack without being placed in an
embarrassing position.

Our Earth as Art http://landsat.gsfc.nasa.gov/earthasart/optimist.html   To download a printable poster-sized (28" x 28", 144 ppi), click on the "Download a printable poster TIFF file" link which is found on each image page. The TIFF files available for download have been compressed with the gzip command to make their storage and transfer more manageable. Once the file has been downloaded you will need to expand the file

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