12 July 2004

Alberta 2005 Centennial (http://www3.gov.ab.ca/alberta_centennial/default.aspx )idea to web-enable a base map (10x? grid) where people could 'plot' their nominations for people of the century by decade...something like the EmoMap where people can add points to a map; http://brainoff.com/weblogs/blogtalk/map/would be better with a wiki back-end (rather than this blog http://www.brainoff.com/weblogs/blogtalk/).

Programming languages pedigree chart; http://people.mandrakesoft.com/~prigaux/language-study/diagram-light.png , more complex version; http://people.mandrakesoft.com/~prigaux/language-study/diagram.png
Language comparison chart http://merd.sourceforge.net/pixel/language-study/scripting-language/

The Human Factory body visualiztion; http://brainoff.com/photos/eastend/fixed.jpg

Poster Catalogues: www.bmcgaw.com www.wildapple.com www.winndevon.com www.canadianartprints.com www.artinmotion.com www.graphiquedefrance.com www.artgroup.com

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain

"A map is a device for turning ____ into ____". - RW (data / vision, ...)

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