21 September 2012

Inside Look at How Google Builds Its Maps

Time-lapse map of every nuclear explosion

(3D Laser Mapping) New Dimension Hand Held Laser Scanner
Innovation Method : Copy and Paste

Art & Science Journal ( http://www.artandsciencejournal.com/) : covers artworks that deal with themes of science, nature and technology.

Antarctic Art


(Vector drawing app)  Paintbook 3.2

(Debate) Should You Include a Date on Your Artwork?

"The humblebrag is a way to brag while also seeming humble. It's a subtle brag, a brag with a wink and a nod, the inside joke of bragging." - Jen Doll, blogger
"Success is random." - Frans Johansson, author of The Click Moment  Via
"Art is best done all in, as if everything is on the line. When the little hairs on the back of your neck stand up, you know you've committed to whatever it is you make." - Via
"The arts make vivid the fact that words do not, in their literal form or number, exhaust what we can know." - Elliot W. Eisner
"If you can make just one person smile today (if only by giving them one of yours), it just might change their entire week... which just might change their entire life." - The Universe

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