(Example) Technical cutaway illustrations and infographics
Kinds of Cubism: Facet, Collage, and Analytical
(Test) Windows Live : http://moooonriver.spaces.live.com/default.aspx
Anarchist Scientist (Part 1, 2, Postscript)
Another example of why people think Brazilians will love
(Lyrics) "Maps"
(Definition) "Aleph" : the only place on earth where all places are seen from every angle, each standing clear, without any confusion or blending… Via
Dividend Investing Myths

"Defining your work is even more important than doing your work." - David Allen, productivity expert Via
"You don't have to be the world's expert to have something to say." - R.B. Wild
"All kids have extraordinary talents but we squander them pretty ruthlessly." - Sir Ken Robinson (at TED 2006)
"Whoever wants to portray something that does not exist has to obey certain rules... he has to apply the function of contrasts; he has to cause a shock. It is thus not a matter for the senses, but rather a cerebral matter." - M.C. Escher (in Escher, 1989, p. 136)
"However hard we try to walk beyond a given path, we will always tend to inscribe another in our wake." - Daniel Rourke