25 November 2009

(Video) http://nebul.us/ : Visualizing (and Sharing) your Online Activity Via

Parking Tickets Map : Google mash-up shows the number of parking tickets issued in one year. Via : http://maps.grammata.com/


Google released free navigation application

(Research) 'Background images can actually enhance one's ability to read a chart or graph.'

(Twitter) #knowledgemanagement

Chris Kenny produces an unexpected kind of poetry with his three-dimensional 'drawings' and constructions made from twigs, fragments of maps and strips of found text."

(Book) We Feel Fine: An Almanac of Human Emotion

(Definition) "mapsadaisical" : (maps′ə dā′zi kəl). adjective. showing lack of maps or plans; viewless
Art for Commuters calls for Proposals for CONTACT 2010

"Not that 'fault' doesn't exist, but blame throws the whole thing out of context." - TU
"A man cannot become an anarchist merely by wishing it." - R.B.Wild (after Napoleon Bonaparte)
"Don’t blow your day on metajunk." - Merlin Mann Via
"We don’t know a millionth of one percent about anything." - Thomas Edison
"If you do nice things for the world, the world will find a way to pay you back." - Jonathan Harris

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