(Class) Digital Images in Painting
Interactive Map of Human Sexuality http://www.humansexmap.com/
Canceled Map (Twittered)
Disappeared and Forgotten: Imaginary Space and the Emptiness of Empty Maps
(Researcher) the social and cultural impact of videogames
Work on Stuff that Matters
(Examples) Artistic / Creative Resumes: http://tinyurl.com/owhwc3
100 Cereal Box Covers
♫ Dido – White Flag

"I think by exploring the bad side you're really just mapping the envelope of the system... you're getting a sense of how far off you can go." Will Wright
"Pretending is so powerful; look how far it's already taken you." - TU
"If we live only in our only existing mental map we cannot see what is changing around us." - Nancy Ramsey
"There is no abstract art. You must always start with something. Afterward you can remove all traces of reality." - Pablo Picasso (1881 - 1973)
"I will work my own way, according to the light that is in me." - Lydia Maria Child