Yaris vs. Yaris (multiplayer “advergame”) 'Map Makin'
Triangle : A Two-Dimensional Quality Mesh Generator
(Flickr pool) “Great Diagrams in Anthropology, Linguistics, & Social Theory”.
BlogSearch 'map'
(Infovis 2008) Art Exhibition
Toronto Digital Art Association : http://pixelgallery.org/aboutus.html
Maps as Public Media
How to Make Yourself Lucid Dream
Los Angeles destination for contemporary art (near Blum & Poe, The Project, Sandroni Rey, Lizabeth Oliveira, and Susanne Vielmetter).
"A convincing casualness trumps weak, stuffy or overworked surfaces." - Robert Genn
"Looking at the stars always makes me dream, as simply as I dream over the black dots representing towns and villages on a map. Why, I ask myself, shouldn’t the shining dots of the sky be as accessible as the black dots on the map of France?" - Vincent van Gogh Via
"... youth is a quality, and if you have it you never lose it." -Frank Lloyd Wright (in Mike Wallacr interview)
"The people who call my work 'abstract' are imbeciles; what they call 'abstract' is in fact the purest realism, the reality of which is not represented by external form but by the idea behind it, the essence of the work." - Brancusi
"Proceed with understanding. " - TU