06 November 2007

Virtual Information Technology (VIT) World Project : The history of the world's information is being mapped on a MindManager map in Second Life (printed out, it would measure 120 feet by 500 feet). VIT World Group headquarters (landmark is Quiricosta 231,33,45) and ask for Butch Dae. Via

HexPlanet demo of a technique to tile a spherical planet with hex tiles. Download hexplanet.zip (1.9MB), and Hex Planet White Paper.pdf

4D - Discovery : An Explanation of our Discovery Approach.

Plexagon - Pleated Hexagon (hexagonal dipyramidal scanelohedra) Animation illustrating plexagon formation ------>>>>>>>>>>>

Graphic MindMap Via

Visual Search 'signs'

Recent Trends in the History of Cartography : A Selective, Annotated Bibliography (PDF)

BNMI Co-production Lab: Self Directed Co-Productions

"Age breeds caution and a yearning for security. Youth invites risk and challenge. As we grow older it becomes important to be able to balance our sensibilities with our
curiosities." - Elizabeth Azzolina
"Helping our clients avoid solving the wrong problem really well." - Via
"Prince, you are you by accident of birth; what I am, I am of myself. There are and there will be thousands of princes. There is only one Beethoven." - Ludwig van Bethoven
"Damn--and just when I was starting to get the hang of it!" - Edgar Degas (on his deathbed)
"If we know what the future is, we aren't looking far enough ahead." - Arthur C. Clarke, science fiction author, July 1997.

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