29 November 2007

(Google Maps) User-Edited Locations Via

Interesting stats on the Human Brain Cloud

Tree SiteMap (main page index)

Tetrahedralize the surface

Spatial Cognition 2008 : http://conference.spatial-cognition.de/sc08/ continues a series of international and interdisciplinary conferences on spatial cognition (concerned with the acquisition, organization, utilization and revision of knowledge about spatial environments, be it real or abstract, human or machine).

Snowflake Effect : where mass personalization, mass customization, mass contribution are all available to try. Via

http://www.efiaf.org/cities/citiesofpeace.htm VIEW PAINTINGS Further Reading (PDF)

Blog's references to 'map'

(Map-related) Christmas gift ideas

Side-barred : http://pkab.wordpress.com/2007/11/07/mind-map-festival-singapore-13-30-nov-07/


"A person is led on the path that he truly wants to travel on." - The Talmud (Makkot 10b)
"Do not the most moving moments of our lives find us without words?" - Marcel Marceau
"I think a lot of the very abstract quality of my work—and the literal quality of it—is always dealing with a state or a place or an edge, a border, a threshold, a place that's in between." - Ann Hamilton
"The greatest wastes are unused talents and untried ideas." - Anonymous
"Always, the process of representation will filter it out so that the mental world is only maps of maps, ad infinitum." - Gregory Bateson (1904-1980), Anthropologist & Social Scientist Via

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