17 September 2007


Fair Use Economy Represents One-Sixth of U.S. GDP (fair use exceptions are worth trillions of dollars to the U.S. economy, many times more than copyright content). Coverage from InformationWeek

A Fast Visual Search Algorithm

Expanding Interactive Digital Photomontage (PDF) - View as HTML

(Guided Demo) MindMap Active Desktop

Picnik : http://www.picnik.com/ on the Web to fix underexposed photos, remove red-eye, or apply effects to your photos. Via

The Odyssey Map : http://gutenkarte.org/map/1728

Mind Maps as Personal Dashboards

A set of impossible tiles : http://im-possible.info/english/articles/tiles/tiles.html (Two simultaneous points of view?)

"In a comprehensive view of nature, the physical world is seen as a patterning of patternings." - Amy Edmondson
"If you absolutely have to appropriate someone else's work, do us a favour and make it say something new." - Lori Lukasewich
"Be neither a conformist or a rebel, for they are really the same thing. Find your own path, and stay on it." - Paul Vixie Via
"Often, if you are truly an original, people may not understand what you are doing, and in fact may not even like it!" - Neil Slade
"Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself." - George Bernard Shaw

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