08 January 2007

Link Thumbnail : http://lab.arc90.com/2006/07/link_thumbnail.php shows users that are about to leave your site exactly where they're going. When that curious mouse pointer hovers over a link pointing to somewhere outside of your site, the script displays a small image of the destination page.

Using Self-Organizing Maps to Visualize Clusters and Trends (PDF) - View as HTML

Graphic language for touch : http://www.elasticspace.com/2005/11/graphic-language-for-touch draws heavily on the substantial body of images of visual marking in public space.

‘Fertile Crescent’, ‘Orient’, ‘Middle East’: The Changing Mental Maps... (PDF) ...the invention of the 'Middle East' was not rooted in historical considerations but corresponded to the strategic needs of Western geopolitics.

Tony Buzan reflects on the growth, evolution and future of Mind Mapping : http://www.innovationtools.com/Articles/InterviewDetails.asp?a=252

(Jimmy) Carter's Maps : http://jpundit.typepad.com/jci/2006/12/carters_maps_wo.html Worse Than Plagiarism(?)

Mashup Camp : http://www.mashupcamp.com/ unconference-style event that's dedicated to bringing together the Internet software mashup community for a face-to-face collaborative meetup where new relationships are formed, old relationships are nurtured, ideas are shared, mutiple balls are moved forward, and innovation happens in real-time. Also http://web.mit.edu/piper/www/mashupcamp/

Longitude Dial : http://www.longitudedial.com/index.htmlis a unique and breathtaking precision timepiece (sun dial) with no moving parts.

If you don't care to have blogspot.com in your blog's address : http://help.blogger.com/bin/answer.py?answer=55373

A Bibliography of Secondary Texts Relating to Early Modern Literature and Geography : http://extra.shu.ac.uk/emls/04-2/woolbibl.htm

3 interesting mappping 'projects' @ http://www.worldchanging.com/archives/004229.html

Flickr'd Collages : http://www.flickr.com/photos/tags/collage/?page=7 (57,629 photos)

Martin Dodge's blog entry on our RGS session : http://cyberbadger.blogspot.com/2006/09/rethinking-maps-sessions-at-rgs-ibg.html

Now added here : http://del.icio.us/anselm/map (Maps to Internet Navigation & eLearning) as 'freeky'.

"Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations. I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty, believe in them, and try to follow where they lead." - Louisa May Alcott
"There's only us, there's only this, forget regret, or life is yours to miss. No other road, no other way, no day but today." - Jonathan Larson
"Remember always that you have not only the right to be an individual, but you have an obligation to be one". - Eleanor Roosavelt
“The greatest thing a human soul ever does in this world is to see something. To see clearly is poetry, prophecy, and religion, all in one.” - John Ruskin, 1819 - 1900
"The World Wide Web is the most important single outcome of the personal computer. It is the Gutenberg press that is democratizing information." - Bill Atkinson, 1942 -

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