23 January 2007

FacetMap : http://research.microsoft.com/vibe/projects/FacetMap.aspx (Each facet represents one kind of metadata: Date, File-Type, Person, Domain, etc .) Discussed in second half of this article. Via

Stories in Space: The Concept of the Story Map (PDF) - View as HTML

Links to (first level) Great Outlines : http://lissack.com/greatideas1/start1.html (and to search results using that sentence as the query) and essays http://lissack.com/greatideas1/ok/ Project led by http://lissack.com/Michael%20Lissack%20--%20A%20Summary.html

Google Gets Another Mapping Patent : http://www.allpointsblog.com/archives/2307-Google-Gets-Another-Mapping-Patent.html

Ethnography Maps : http://map.primorye.ru/raster/ethnography.asp?l=eng

Second Life Webmap API : http://secondlife.com/developers/mapapi/ allows you to embed Second Life Maps onto your web pages.

Google MapMarker : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvHeNC5VJw8

How we make maps : http://leisure.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/leisure/tscontent/editorial/mapfacts/2006/howwemakemaps.html

Kin? http://www.stoneyamashita.com/aboutSYP.html

Metadata’s many meanings and uses : http://www.ideography.co.uk/briefings/pdf/PB_metadata.pdf

DNA That Folds into an Octahedron : http://www.scripps.edu/news/press/021104.html can be amplified with the standard tools of molecular biology and can easily be cloned, replicated, amplified, evolved, and adapted for various applications.

Knowledge mapping in 3-D : http://cdalebiz.blogspot.com/2006/11/knowledge-mapping-in-3-d.html

Wider screens and more realistic 3D animations will boost women's spatial orientation and 3D map-reading skills to match those of their male counterparts : http://www.newscientist.com/article.ns?id=dn3628

Patent (IP?) ETF : http://finance.yahoo.com/q/bc?s=OTP&t=3m

Imagine This : http://stunned.org/netartopen/ Audio/visual mash up of GW Bush singing the John Lennon classic "imagine"

Earth's Chakras

"Take advantage of what is by making use of what is not." - Tao te Ching
"... maps suggest explanations; and while explanations reassure us, they also inspire us to ask more questions, consider other possibilities. To ask for a map is to say, ‘Tell me a story.’" - Miles Harvey
"When I learn something new—and it happens every day— I feel a little more at home in this universe, a little more comfortable in the nest." - Bill Moyers
"Our libraries are places that learners lay claim to as a base camp, cartographers beginning an adventure into the unknown." - Barbara Fister Via
“Balance with your thinking, harmonize with your doing.” - Suhu Rahardja Via

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