21 March 2005

Google launched a developers' site, (http://code.google.com/) offering up code to the open source community. FAQ Following the familiar developers' network model, the opener for Google Code includes software source code developers are invited to use, as well a directory of Google APIs (define) and an online forum for discussion and peer support. http://www.internetnews.com/dev-news/article.php/3491026

Javascript Primers 30 Steps : http://www.htmlgoodies.com/primers/jsp/

Information Visualization : http://www.win.tue.nl/vis/research/infovis.htm#bota especially 3D tree maps http://www.win.tue.nl/vis/research/bota_big.jpg .

Online Map Creation : http://www.planiglobe.com/omc_set.html (originally developed at http://www.aquarius.geomar.de/omc/ ).

Collaged Fonts ; http://amaztype.tha.jp/ (Flash) from http://infosthetics.com/ blog. Another automated collage program http://www.incident.net/works/googlehouse/ (GoogleHouse).

New Yorker CartoonBank : http://www.cartoonbank.com/search_results_category.asp?mscssid=3CXWAEEVUNWQ9L3H31M3KN7H7E1587G2&sitetype=1&keyword=art§ion=prints&title=Art&whichpage=8&sortBy=popular

Funnies : http://www.stfunoob.com/pictures/?page=33

"It's so hard to begin at the beginning, and not go further back." - Dick Hebdige
"The very best thing about being truly enlightened, is possessing that rapturous feeling of wanting to explode out of your skin with absolute joy and wanting to let rip a couple of those "Oh yeah"s, yet... being able to effortlessly contain yourself, without expressing so much as a hint of your ecstasy, around those who just wouldn't understand. - The Universe
"Maybe I'm not under-rated?" - ?

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