19 March 2004

Methods Used in HCI Research http://www.ccom.unh.edu/vislab/VisCourse/Methodology.html
Rapid prototyping involves building a rough and ready version of the interface and then working through some task to make sure that it works properly. Sometimes the implementation can consist of a set of sheets of paper representing interfaces screens.
The possible measurement tools used in assessment are extremely varied:
Time measurements: how long does it take to perform a task.
Accuracy measurements (e.g. positioning accuracy).
Correctness measurements (how many errors).
Rating scales: Some aspect of an interface is given a rating. E.g. from 0..5
Qualitative assessments: A panel of judges evaluates and compares interfaces
Semi Structure Interviews: In this method a test user is walked through a task while being asked a series of questions to find out what is good and what is not.

Wide range of studies The Information Mapping method http://www.imap.dk/research.htm

http://nickpiombino.blogspot.com/ seems to have been able to add a page counter to his bloggered page (?).

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