01 February 2008

Mapping Public Media : http://www.centerforsocialmedia.org/resources/publications/mapping_public_media_inside_and_out/
Inside and Out

Rink Map

(Image) Fractal Window Panes : http://www.paul-brown.com/GALLERY/GALL90/SERPINSKI.HTM

MAPPING THE HOLOCAUST: http://www.ushmm.org/museum/exhibit/focus/maps/

Visual Encryption : http://fractalbeanstalk.blogspot.com/2006/12/visual-encryption.html

Edutainment? : http://llk.media.mit.edu/papers/edutainment.pdf ( No Thanks. I Prefer Playful Learning)

(Inspirational? video) IdeaBlob - What is an Idea? : http://www.ideablob.com

ROM Programs : http://www.rom.on.ca/programs/lectures/pdf/romlife_win08.pdf

Son on Peace Mission

wildmaps now listed under MAPS

"The road to Heaven may not be a road at all." - Peter Holleran
"Art from New Places." - Andy Warhol
"You can meditate for fifteen years and get one inch closer to God; or you can be really angry and be with Him instantly." - Sufi proverb
"The future may be unknowable, but it's not unthinkable." - Richard Koshalek, President, Art Center College of Design
"You can have more, you can even have it all, when you begin seeing perspectives you have never seen before." - TU

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