19 February 2007

Cuboctahedron in Google Sketchup ( http://sketchup.google.com/ )

Placing International Law: White Spaces on a Map (PDF) Abstract

The Cognitive Science of Art : http://scienceblogs.com/mixingmemory/2006/07/the_cognitive_science_of_art_r_2.php Ramachandran's 10 Principles of Art

Mapping Music : http://www.harvardmagazine.com/on-line/010772.html developed a way to represent music spatially. Using non-Euclidean geometry and a complex figure, borrowed from string theory, called an orbifold (which can have from two to an infinite number of dimensions, depending on the number of notes being played at once).

Word Trees : Mapping Relationships From Root Words

Game Map Archive : http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mwa/archiveall

http://technorati.com/tools/linkcount/display the number of links to each of your posts in real-time — updated live for all your visitors.

Subtropics 19 : http://subtropics.org/- a tribute to John Cage

Introducing New Technology : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRjVeRbhtRU&eurl

All previous audio dadacasts and DADA yow! knotcasts can be found at http://www.391.org/broadcast/

MapArt Examples Via

B.C. Map-maker : http://islandsinstitute.pbwiki.com/Briony%20Penn

News tip credit : http://www.gadling.com/2007/02/16/murmur-makes-a-city-come-alive/

"Like the moon, come out from behind the clouds! Shine!" - Buddha
"The best way to help artists is to hinder them." - Egbert Oudendag Via
"The Great Way is level and not far from oneself. Those who seek it afar go and then return." - Lao-tzu (translated by Thomas Cleary)
"Faith is the bird that sings when the dawn is still dark." - Rabinranath Tagore
"In the pool where you least expect it will be fish." - Ovid, Poet (43 BC-17AD)

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