25 October 2006

Zoomable user interfaces as a medium for slide show presentations (PDF) View as HTML (knowledge map characteristics on information processing).

United States Population Density Map : http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Newsroom/NewImages/images.php3?img_id=17439

Mapping the War on Terror Via http://ubikcan.blogspot.com/2006/10/axis-of-evil-projection.html

Firefox 2.0 and Online Maps : http://www.mcwetboy.net/maproom/2006/10/firefox_20_and_online_maps.phtml (handles Google and Yahoo! Maps well, but runs into a few quirks with Microsoft's Live Local).

Methods of Forming Mental Maps : http://maps.unomaha.edu/workshops/GeographyStandard2.html

Social networking and community-contributed, near-live commuter information : http://bkdelong.livejournal.com/169606.html (ideas/proposal).

"... isn’t it sweet that Google allows us to make Google Maps’s mashups with their copyrighted images and data? Sure. It is all great, until you want to do something outside of their rules" : http://mappinghacks.com/2006/10/03/the-power-of-the-press/

'hex map' definition : http://www.answers.com/topic/hex-map

Professor William Cartwright, Vice-President - International Cartographic Association http://www.gs.rmit.edu.au/people/all_staff.htm#wec

Orbit Trap: http://orbittrap.blogspot.com/2006/10/brush-or-brain.html group blog revolving around Fractal Art with contributors from many different orbits.

Photomosaic (using MacOSaiX a free software for the Macintosh, displayed using Zoomify ) Via http://punya.educ.msu.edu/PunyaWeb/mosaics/index.html

Flying Volvo : http://www.crackmuffin.com/html/Weird-Car-Crash.html

"One infographic = 300 words" - RW (based on Academic guideline; 8 page article = 6000 words needs 20 graphical images)
"I owe my success to having listened respectfully to the very best advice, and then going away and doing the exact opposite" . -G. K. Chesterton
"Welcome, destruction, death, and massacre! I see, as in a map, the end of all." - Queen Elizabeth (Richard III – Act 2, Scene 4 [surrounding text] [citation]
"Does a rich person have to spend all their money to feel rich? No. They don't even have to spend a cent, do they? Oh, you so have it made." - The Universe

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